Local Ecosystem accounts - a technical guidebook

Finskala Naturregnskap - en teknisk håndbok

NINAs Technical Guidebook for Local-Scale Ecosystem Accounting Projects


Willeke A’Campo

Anders Lorentzen Kolstad

Niccolò Cantù


This technical guidebook is here to assist project managers and data scientists at NINA in following a standardized and efficient method for data collection, analysis, publishing, and documentation in local-scale ecosystem accounting projects.

The guidebook covers the following topics:

  • Project Management: Guidance on planning and budgeting for data infrastructure in ecosystem accounting projects.
  • Data collection: Procedures for collecting data in ecosystem accounting projects.
    • Field Surveys: Instructions on conducting field surveys, including common methods and protocols.
    • Remote Sensing: Techniques for utilizing remote sensing data in ecosystem accounting projects.
  • Data analysis: Best practices and methods for analyzing data in ecosystem accounting projects.
  • Data Publishing: Steps for publishing data in NINA’s map catalogue for Local Ecosystem Accounts.
  • Documentation: Guidelines for documenting your project and data.
  • FAIR Data Managment: How to adhere to FAIR principles in ecosystem accounting projects.

This guidebook is a living document and will be updated as new methods and best practices are developed. If you have any suggestions for improvements or additions, please contact the authors or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.

Here you can find the presentation for the user seminar “Seminar | Datainfrastruktur finskala naturregnskap” given on 18 september 2024.