Source code for nofa.db

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
                                 A QGIS plugin
 Insert fish occurrence data to NOFA DB
        begin                : 2017-01-09
        git sha              : $Format:%H$
        copyright            : (C) 2017 by NINA
        contributors         :

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *

from collections import defaultdict
import datetime
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extras

[docs]def get_con(con_info): """ Returns a connection. :returns: A connection. :rtype: psycopg2.connection """ con = psycopg2.connect(**con_info) con.set_isolation_level(psycopg2.extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT) return con
def _get_db_cur(con): """ Returns a database cursor. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :returns: A database cursor. :rtype: psycopg2.cursor """ return con.cursor()
[docs]def chck_nofa_tbls(con): """ Checks if the database is NOFA. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :returns: True when database is NOFA, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'nofa' AND table_name IN ('location', 'event', 'occurrence') ''') if cur.rowcount == 3: resp = True else: resp = False return resp
[docs]def ins_event(con, loc_id, event_id, event_list, dtst_id, prj_id, ref_id): """ Insert an event to the database. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param loc_id: A location ID. :type loc_id: uuid.UUID :param event_id: An event ID. :type event_id: uuid.UUID :param event_list: A list of data from event input widgets. :type event_list: list :param dtst_id: A dataset ID. :type dtst_id: str :param prj_id: A project ID. :type prj_id: str :param ref_id: A reference ID. :type ref_id: int """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' INSERT INTO nofa."event" ( "locationID", "eventID", "samplingProtocol", "sampleSizeUnit", "sampleSizeValue", "samplingEffort", "dateStart", "dateEnd", "fieldNumber", "recordedBy", "eventRemarks", "reliability", "datasetID", "projectID", "referenceID") VALUES ( %(locationID)s, %(eventID)s, %(samplingProtocol)s, %(sampleSizeUnit)s, %(sampleSizeValue)s, %(samplingEffort)s, %(dateStart)s, %(dateEnd)s, %(fieldNumber)s, %(recordedBy)s, %(eventRemarks)s, %(reliability)s, %(datasetID)s, %(projectID)s, %(referenceID)s) ''', {'locationID': loc_id, 'eventID': event_id, 'samplingProtocol': event_list[0], 'sampleSizeUnit': event_list[1], 'sampleSizeValue': event_list[2], 'samplingEffort': event_list[3], 'dateStart': event_list[4], 'dateEnd': event_list[5], 'fieldNumber': event_list[6], 'recordedBy': event_list[7], 'eventRemarks': event_list[8], 'reliability': event_list[9], 'datasetID': dtst_id, 'projectID': prj_id, 'referenceID': ref_id})
[docs]def get_txn_id(con, txn): """ Returns a taxon ID based on the given scientific name. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param txn: A taxon scientific name. :type txn: str :returns: A taxon ID. :rtype: int """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "taxonID" FROM nofa."l_taxon" WHERE "scientificName" = %s ''', (txn,)) txn_id = cur.fetchone()[0] return txn_id
[docs]def get_ectp_id(con, ectp): """ Returns an ecotype ID based on the given vernacular name. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param txn: An ecotype vernacular name. :type txn: str :returns: An ecotype ID, None when there is no ecotype. :rtype: int """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "ecotypeID" FROM nofa."l_ecotype" WHERE "vernacularName" = %s ''', (ectp,)) ectp_id = cur.fetchone()[0] if cur.rowcount != 0 else None return ectp_id
[docs]def ins_occ(con, occ_id, txn_id, ectp_id, occ_row_list, event_id): """ insert an occurrence to the database. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param occ_id: An occurrence ID. :type occ_id: uuid.UUID :param txn_id: A taxon ID. :type txn_id: int :param ectp_id: An ecotype ID, None when there is no ecotype. :type ectp_id: int :param occ_row_list: A list of data in the row in the occurrence table. :type occ_row_list: list :param event_id: An event ID. :type event_id: uuid.UUID :returns: An ecotype ID, None when there is no ecotype. :rtype: int """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' INSERT INTO nofa."occurrence" ( "occurrenceID", "taxonID", "ecotypeID", "organismQuantityType", "organismQuantity", "occurrenceStatus", "populationTrend", "recordNumber", "occurrenceRemarks", "establishmentMeans", "establishmentRemarks", "spawningCondition", "spawningLocation", "verifiedBy", "verifiedDate", "modified", "eventID") VALUES ( %(occurrenceID)s, %(taxonID)s, %(ecotypeID)s, %(organismQuantityType)s, %(organismQuantity)s, %(occurrenceStatus)s, %(populationTrend)s, %(recordNumber)s, %(occurrenceRemarks)s, %(establishmentMeans)s, %(establishmentRemarks)s, %(spawningCondition)s, %(spawningLocation)s, %(verifiedBy)s, %(verifiedDate)s, %(modified)s, %(eventID)s) ''', {'occurrenceID': occ_id, 'taxonID': txn_id, 'ecotypeID': ectp_id, 'organismQuantityType': occ_row_list[2], 'organismQuantity': occ_row_list[3], 'occurrenceStatus': occ_row_list[4], 'populationTrend': occ_row_list[5], 'recordNumber': occ_row_list[6], 'occurrenceRemarks': occ_row_list[7], 'establishmentMeans': occ_row_list[8], 'establishmentRemarks': occ_row_list[9], 'spawningCondition': occ_row_list[10], 'spawningLocation': occ_row_list[11], 'verifiedBy': occ_row_list[12], 'verifiedDate': occ_row_list[13], 'modified':, 'eventID': event_id})
[docs]def ins_txncvg(con, txn_id, event_id): """ Insert a taxon coverage into the database. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param txn_id: A taxon ID. :type txn_id: int :param event_id: An event ID. :type event_id: uuid.UUID """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' INSERT INTO nofa."samplingTaxaRange"( "taxonID", "eventID") VALUES ( %(taxonID)s, %(eventID)s) ''', {'taxonID': txn_id, 'eventID': event_id})
[docs]def chck_locid(con, locid): """ Checks if a location ID is in the database. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param locid: A location ID. :type locid: str :returns: True when location ID was found, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "locationID" FROM nofa."location" WHERE "locationID" = %s ''', (locid,)) locid = cur.fetchall() if cur.rowcount != 0: resp = True else: resp = False return resp
[docs]def get_locid_from_nvl(con, nvl): """ Returns a location ID based on the given `Norwegian VatLnr`. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param nvl: A `Norwegian VatLnr`. :type nvl: int :returns: A location ID. :rtype: str """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "locationID" FROM nofa."location" WHERE "no_vatn_lnr" = %s ''', (nvl,)) locid = cur.fetchone()[0] return locid
[docs]def get_dtst_info(con, dtst_id): """ Returns information about a dataset with the given ID. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param dtst_id: A dataset ID. :type dtst_id: str :returns: | A tuple containing: | - *list* -- a list of dataset items | - *list* -- a list of dataset headers :rtype: tuple """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "datasetName", "datasetID", "ownerInstitutionCode", "rightsHolder", "license", "accessRights", "bibliographicCitation", "datasetComment", "informationWithheld", "dataGeneralizations" FROM nofa."m_dataset" WHERE "datasetID" = %s ''', (dtst_id,)) dtst_items = cur.fetchone() dtst_hdrs = [h[0] for h in cur.description] return (dtst_items, dtst_hdrs)
[docs]def get_prj_info(con, prj_id): """ Returns information about a project with the given project name and organization. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param prj_id: A project ID. :type prj_id: int :returns: | A tuple containing: | - *list* -- a list of project items | - *list* -- a list of project headers :rtype: tuple """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "organisation", "projectNumber", "projectName", "startYear", "endYear", "projectLeader", "projectMembers", "financer", "remarks", "projectID" FROM nofa."m_project" WHERE "projectID" = %s ''', (prj_id,)) prj_items = cur.fetchone() prj_hdrs = [h[0] for h in cur.description] return (prj_items, prj_hdrs)
[docs]def get_ref_info(con, ref_id): """ Returns information about a reference with the given reference ID. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param ref_id: A reference ID. :type ref_id: str :returns: | A tuple containing: | - *list* -- a list of reference items | - *list* -- a list of reference headers :rtype: tuple """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "referenceID", "author", "referenceType", "year", "titel", "journalName", "volume", "issn", "isbn", "page" FROM nofa."m_reference" WHERE "referenceID" = %s ''', (ref_id,)) ref_items = cur.fetchone() ref_hdrs = [h[0] for h in cur.description] return (ref_items, ref_hdrs)
[docs]def get_fam_dict(con): """ Returns a defaultdict with family as keys and taxons as values. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :returns: | A defaultdict: | - key - *str* -- family | - value - *str* -- taxons :rtype: collections.defaultdict """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "scientificName", "family" FROM nofa."l_taxon" WHERE "scientificName" IS NOT NULL AND "family" IS NOT NULL GROUP BY "scientificName", "family" ''') spp = cur.fetchall() fam_dict = defaultdict(list) for s in spp: fam_dict[s[1]].append(s[0]) return fam_dict
[docs]def get_cntry_code_list(con): """ Returns a list of country codes that is used to populate country code combo box. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :returns: A list of country codes. :rtype: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT DISTINCT "countryCode" cc FROM nofa."location" ORDER BY cc ''') cntry_codes = cur.fetchall() cntry_code_list = [c[0] for c in cntry_codes] return cntry_code_list
[docs]def get_cnty_list(con, cntry_code): """ Returns a list of counties that is used to populate county combo box. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param cntry_code: A country code. :type cntry_code: str :returns: A list of counties. :rtype: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT DISTINCT "county" c FROM nofa."location" WHERE %(countryCode)s IS NULL OR "countryCode" = %(countryCode)s ORDER BY c ''', {'countryCode': cntry_code}) cntys = cur.fetchall() cnty_list = [c[0] for c in cntys] return cnty_list
[docs]def get_muni_list(con, cntry_code, cnty): """ Returns a list of municipalities that is used to populate municipality combo box. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param cntry_code: A country code. :type cntry_code: str :param cnty: A county. :type cnty: str :returns: A list of municipalities. :rtype: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT DISTINCT "municipality" m FROM nofa."location" WHERE ( %(countryCode)s IS NULL OR "countryCode" = %(countryCode)s) AND (%(county)s IS NULL OR "county" = %(county)s) ORDER BY m ''', {'countryCode': cntry_code, 'county': cnty}) munis = cur.fetchall() muni_list = [m[0] for m in munis] return muni_list
[docs]def get_dtst_list(con): """ Returns a list with information about datasets that is used to populate dataset combo box. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :returns: A list with information about datasets. :rtype: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "datasetID" dsid, "datasetName" dsn FROM nofa."m_dataset" ORDER BY dsid, dsn ''') dtsts = cur.fetchall() dtst_list = [get_dtst_str(d[0], d[1]) for d in dtsts] return dtst_list
[docs]def get_dtst_mtdt_str(dtst_str): """ Returns a dataset metadata string `<name>`. :param dtst_str: A dataset string `<ID> - <name>`. :type dtst_str: str :returns: A dataset metadata string `<name>`. :rtype: str """ name, org = split_dtst_str(dtst_str) dtst_mtdt_str = u'{}'.format(name) return dtst_mtdt_str
[docs]def get_dtst_str(id, name): """ Returns a dataset string `<ID> - <name>`. :param id: A dataset ID. :type id: str :param name: A dataset name. :type name: str :returns: A dataset string `<ID> - <name>`. :rtype: str """ dtst_str = u'{} - {}'.format(id, name) return dtst_str
[docs]def split_dtst_str(dtst_str): """ Splits a dataset string `<ID> - <name>` and returns its information. :param dtst_str: A dataset string `<ID> - <name>`. :type dtst_str: str :returns: | A tuple containing: | - *str* -- dataset ID | - *str* -- name :rtype: tuple """ split_dtst_str = dtst_str.split(u' - ') id = split_dtst_str[0] name = split_dtst_str[1] return (id, name)
[docs]def get_prj_list(con): """ Returns a list with information about projects that is used to populate project combo box. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :returns: A list with information about projects. :rtype: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "projectName" pn, "organisation" o FROM nofa."m_project" ORDER BY pn, o ''') prjs = cur.fetchall() prj_list = [get_prj_str(p[0], p[1]) for p in prjs] return prj_list
[docs]def get_prj_mtdt_str(prj_str): """ Returns a projects metadata string `<name> - <organisation>`. :param prj_str: A project string `<name> - <organization>`. :type prj_str: str :returns: A projects metadata string `<name> - <organisation>`. :rtype: str """ name, org = split_prj_str(prj_str) prj_mtdt_str = u'{} - {}'.format(name, org) return prj_mtdt_str
[docs]def get_prj_str(name, org): """ Returns a project string `<name> - <organisation>`. :param name: A project name. :type name: str :param org: A project organization. :type org: str :returns: A project string `<name> - <organisation>`. :rtype: str """ prj_str = u'{} - {}'.format(name, org) return prj_str
[docs]def split_prj_str(prj_str): """ Splits a project string `<name> - <organization>` and returns its information. :param prj_str: A project string `<name> - <organization>`. :type prj_str: str :returns: | A tuple containing: | - *str* -- project name | - *str* -- organization :rtype: tuple """ split_prj_str = prj_str.split(u' - ') name = split_prj_str[0] org = split_prj_str[1] return (name, org)
[docs]def get_prj_id(con, prj_name, prj_org): """ Returns a project ID with the given organization number and name. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param prj_name: A project name. :type prj_name: str :param prj_org: A project organization. :type prj_org: str :returns: A project ID with the given organization number and name. :rtype: int """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "projectID" o FROM nofa."m_project" WHERE "projectName" = %s AND "organisation" = %s ''', (prj_name, prj_org,)) prj_id = cur.fetchone()[0] return prj_id
[docs]def get_ref_list(con): """ Returns a list with information about references that is used to populate reference combo box. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :returns: A list with information about references. :rtype: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "referenceID", "author", "titel", "year" FROM nofa."m_reference" ORDER BY "author", "titel" ''') refs = cur.fetchall() ref_list = [get_ref_str(r[1], r[2], r[3], r[0]) for r in refs] return ref_list
[docs]def get_ref_mtdt_str(ref_str): """ Returns a reference metadata string `<author>: <title> (<year>)`. :param ref_str: A reference string `<author>: <title> (<year>) @<ID>`. :type ref_str: str :returns: A reference metadata string `<author>: <title> (<year>)`. :rtype: str """ au, ttl, yr, id = split_ref_str(ref_str) ref_mtdt_str = u'{}: {} ({})'.format(au, ttl, yr) return ref_mtdt_str
[docs]def get_ref_str(au, ttl, yr, id): """ Returns a reference string `<author>: <title> (<year>) @<ID>`. :param au: A reference author. :type au: str :param ttl: A reference title. :type ttl: str :param yr: A reference year. :type yr: int :param id: A reference ID. :type id: str :returns: A reference string `<author>: <title> (<year>) @<ID>`. :rtype: str """ ref_str = u'{}: {} ({}) @{}'.format(au, ttl, yr, id) return ref_str
[docs]def split_ref_str(ref_str): """ Splits a reference string `<author>: <title> (<year>) @<ID>` and returns its information. :param ref_str: A reference string `<author>: <title> (<year>) @<ID>`. :type ref_str: str :returns: | A tuple containing: | - *str* -- author | - *str* -- year | - *str* -- title | - *int* -- ID :rtype: tuple """ au = ref_str.split(u': ')[0] ttl = ref_str.split(u': ')[1].split(u' (')[0] yr = ref_str.split(u' (')[1].split(u') ')[0] id = int(ref_str.split(u'@')[1]) return (au, ttl, yr, id)
[docs]def get_txn_list(con): """ Returns a list of taxons that is used to populate taxon combo box. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :returns: A list of taxons. :rtype: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "scientificName" sn FROM nofa."l_taxon" WHERE "taxonRank" IN ('species', 'hybrid', 'genus') ORDER BY sn ''') txns = cur.fetchall() txn_list = [t[0] for t in txns] return txn_list
[docs]def get_ectp_list(con, txn_name): """ Returns a list of ecotypes that is used to populate ecotype combo box. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param txn_name: A taxon name. :type txn_name: str :returns: A list of ecotypes. :rtype: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT e."vernacularName" vn FROM nofa."l_ecotype" e JOIN nofa."l_taxon" t ON e."taxonID" = t."taxonID" WHERE t."scientificName" = %s ORDER BY vn; ''', (txn_name,)) ectps = cur.fetchall() ectp_list = [e[0] for e in ectps] return ectp_list
[docs]def get_oqt_list(con): """ Returns a list of organism quantity types that is used to populate organism quantity type combo box. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :returns: A list of organism quantity types. :rtype: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "organismQuantityType" oqt FROM nofa."l_organismQuantityType" ORDER BY oqt ''') oqts = cur.fetchall() oqt_list = [o[0] for o in oqts] return oqt_list
[docs]def get_occstat_list(con): """ Returns a list of occurrence statuses that is used to populate occurrence status combo box. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :returns: A list of occurrence statuses. :rtype: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "occurrenceStatus" os FROM nofa."l_occurrenceStatus" ORDER BY os ''') occstats = cur.fetchall() occstat_list = [o[0] for o in occstats] return occstat_list
[docs]def get_poptrend_list(con): """ Returns a list of population trends that is used to populate population trend combo box. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :returns: A list of population trends. :rtype: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "populationTrend" pt FROM nofa."l_populationTrend" WHERE "populationTrend" is not null ORDER BY pt ''') poptrends = cur.fetchall() poptrend_list = [p[0] for p in poptrends] return poptrend_list
[docs]def get_estbms_list(con): """ Returns a list of establishment means that is used to populate establishment means combo box. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :returns: A list of establishment means. :rtype: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "establishmentMeans" em FROM nofa."l_establishmentMeans" ORDER BY em ''') estbms = cur.fetchall() estbms_list = [e[0] for e in estbms] return estbms_list
[docs]def get_smpp_list(con): """ Returns a list of sampling protocols that is used to populate sampling protocol combo box. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :returns: A list of sampling protocols. :rtype: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "samplingProtocol" sp FROM nofa."l_samplingProtocol" ORDER BY sp ''') smpps = cur.fetchall() smpp_list = [s[0] for s in smpps] return smpp_list
[docs]def get_reliab_list(con): """ Returns a list of reliabilities that is used to populate reliability combo box. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :returns: A list of reliabilities. :rtype: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "reliability" r FROM nofa."l_reliability" ORDER BY r ''') relias = cur.fetchall() relia_list = [r[0] for r in relias] return relia_list
[docs]def get_smpsu_list(con): """ Returns a list of sample size units that is used to populate sample size unit combo box. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :returns: A list of sample size units. :rtype: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "sampleSizeUnit" s FROM nofa."l_sampleSizeUnit" ORDER BY s ''') smpsus = cur.fetchall() smpsu_list = [s[0] for s in smpsus] return smpsu_list
[docs]def get_spwnc_list(con): """ Returns a list of spawning conditions that is used to populate spawning condition combo box. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :returns: A list of spawning conditions. :rtype: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "spawningCondition" s FROM nofa."l_spawningCondition" ORDER BY s ''') spwncs = cur.fetchall() spwnc_list = [s[0] for s in spwncs] return spwnc_list
[docs]def get_spwnl_list(con): """ Returns a list of spawning locations that is used to populate spawning location combo box. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :returns: A list of spawning locations. :rtype: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "spawningLocation" s FROM nofa."l_spawningLocation" ORDER BY s ''') spwnls = cur.fetchall() spwnl_list = [s[0] for s in spwnls] return spwnl_list
[docs]def get_inst_list(con): """ Returns a list of institutions that is used to populate institution combo box. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :returns: A list of institutions. :rtype: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT distinct "institutionCode" i FROM nofa."m_dataset" ORDER BY i; ''') insts = cur.fetchall() inst_list = [i[0] for i in insts] return inst_list
[docs]def get_acs_list(con): """ Returns a list of access rights that is used to populate access rights combo box. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :returns: A list of access rights. :rtype: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT distinct "accessRights" ar FROM nofa."m_dataset" ORDER BY ar; ''') acs_rghts = cur.fetchall() acs_rght_list = [ar[0] for ar in acs_rghts] return acs_rght_list
[docs]def get_dtst_cnt(con, id): """ Returns a number of datasets with the given ID. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param id: A dataset ID. :type id: str :returns: A number of datasets with the given ID. :rtype: int """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "datasetID" FROM nofa."m_dataset" WHERE "datasetID" = %s; ''', (id,)) dtst_cnt = cur.rowcount return dtst_cnt
[docs]def ins_dtst(con, dtst_list): """ Insert a dataset to the database. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param dtst_list: A dataset list :type dtst_list: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' INSERT INTO nofa."m_dataset" ( "datasetName", "datasetID", "ownerInstitutionCode", "rightsHolder", "license", "accessRights", "bibliographicCitation", "datasetComment", "informationWithheld", "dataGeneralizations") VALUES ( %(datasetName)s, %(datasetID)s, %(ownerInstitutionCode)s, %(rightsHolder)s, %(license)s, %(accessRights)s, %(bibliographicCitation)s, %(datasetComment)s, %(informationWithheld)s, %(dataGeneralizations)s) ''', {'datasetName': dtst_list[0], 'datasetID': dtst_list[1], 'ownerInstitutionCode': dtst_list[2], 'rightsHolder': dtst_list[3], 'license': dtst_list[4], 'accessRights': dtst_list[5], 'bibliographicCitation': dtst_list[6], 'datasetComment': dtst_list[7], 'informationWithheld': dtst_list[8], 'dataGeneralizations': dtst_list[9]})
[docs]def ins_prj(con, prj_list): """ Insert an event to the database. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param prj_list: A project list :type prj_list: list :returns: A project ID. :rtype: int """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' INSERT INTO nofa."m_project" ( "organisation", "projectNumber", "projectName", "startYear", "endYear", "projectLeader", "projectMembers", "financer", "remarks") VALUES ( %(organisation)s, %(projectNumber)s, %(projectName)s, %(startYear)s, %(endYear)s, %(projectLeader)s, %(projectMembers)s, %(financer)s, %(remarks)s) RETURNING "projectID" ''', {'organisation': prj_list[0], 'projectNumber': prj_list[1], 'projectName': prj_list[2], 'startYear': prj_list[3], 'endYear': prj_list[4], 'projectLeader': prj_list[5], 'projectMembers': prj_list[6], 'financer': prj_list[7], 'remarks': prj_list[8]}) id = cur.fetchone()[0] return id
[docs]def get_reftp_list(con): """ Returns a list of reference types that is used to populate reference type combo box. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :returns: A list of reference types. :rtype: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "referenceType" rt FROM nofa."l_referenceType" ORDER BY rt ''') reftps = cur.fetchall() reftp_list = [r[0] for r in reftps] return reftp_list
[docs]def ins_ref(con, ref_list): """ Insert an event to the database. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param ref_list: A reference list :type ref_list: list :returns: A reference ID. :rtype: int """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' INSERT INTO nofa."m_reference" ( "titel", "author", "year", "isbn", "issn", "referenceType", "journalName", "volume", "page") VALUES ( %(title)s, %(author)s, %(year)s, %(isbn)s, %(issn)s, %(referenceType)s, %(journalName)s, %(volume)s, %(page)s) RETURNING "referenceID" ''', {'title': ref_list[0], 'author': ref_list[1], 'year': ref_list[2], 'isbn': ref_list[3], 'issn': ref_list[4], 'referenceType': ref_list[5], 'journalName': ref_list[6], 'volume': ref_list[7], 'page': ref_list[8]}) id = cur.fetchone()[0] return id
[docs]def get_pt_str(x, y): """ Returns a point string with the given coordinates. :param x: X coordinate. :type x: float :param y: Y coordinate. :type y: float :returns: A point string. :rtype: str """ pt_str = 'POINT({} {})'.format(x, y) return pt_str
[docs]def get_utm33_geom(con, geom_str, srid): """ Returns a geometry in UTM33 (EPSG: 25833). :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param geom_str: A geometry string. :type geom_str: str :param srid: SRID. :type srid: int :returns: A geometry in UTM33 (EPSG: 25833). :rtype: str """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT ST_Transform( ST_GeomFromText(%s, %s), 25833) ''', (geom_str, srid,)) utm33_geom = cur.fetchone()[0] return utm33_geom
[docs]def get_nrst_locid(con, utm33_geom): """ Returns an ID of the nearest location. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param utm33_geom: A geometry in UTM33 (EPSG: 25833). :type utm33_geom: str :returns: A location ID. None where there is no lake within the given distance. :rtype: uuid.UUID """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "locationID" FROM nofa."location" l ORDER BY ST_Distance(%s, l.geom) LIMIT 1 ''', (utm33_geom,)) locid = cur.fetchone()[0] return locid
[docs]def ins_new_loc(con, locid, utm33_geom, verb_loc): """ Insert a new location and returns its location ID. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param locid: A location ID. :type locid: uuid.UUID :param utm33_geom: A geometry in UTM33 (EPSG: 25833). :type utm33_geom: str :param verb_loc: A verbatimLocality. :type verb_loc: str """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' INSERT INTO nofa."location" ( "locationID", "locationType", "geom", "verbatimLocality") VALUES ( %(locationID)s, %(locationType)s, %(geom)s, %(verbatimLocality)s) ''', {'locationID': locid, 'locationType': 'samplingPoint lake', 'geom': utm33_geom, 'verbatimLocality': verb_loc})
[docs]def get_mpt_str(x, y): """ Returns a multi point string with the given coordinates. :param x: X coordinate. :type x: float :param y: Y coordinate. :type y: float :returns: A multi point string. :rtype: str """ mpt_str = 'MULTIPOINT({} {})'.format(x, y) return mpt_str
[docs]def get_loc_by_fltrs(con, wb, cntry_code, cnty, muni): """ Returns location IDs with the given filters. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param wb: A water body. :type wb: str :param cntry_code: A country code. :type cntry_code: str :param cnty: A county. :type cnty: str :param muni: A municipality. :type muni: str :returns: A list of location IDs. :rtype: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT "locationID" FROM nofa."location" loc WHERE (%(waterBody)s IS NULL OR "waterBody" LIKE %(waterBody)s) AND ( %(countryCode)s IS NULL OR "countryCode" = %(countryCode)s) AND (%(county)s IS NULL OR "county" = %(county)s) AND ( %(municipality)s IS NULL OR "municipality" = %(municipality)s) ''', {'waterBody': '%' + wb + '%' if wb else wb, 'countryCode': cntry_code, 'county': cnty, 'municipality': muni}) locids = cur.fetchall() locid_list = [l[0] for l in locids] return locid_list
[docs]def ins_occ_log(con, occ_id, event_id, dtst_id, prj_id, ref_id, loc_id, usr): """ Insert an occurrence log to the database. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param occ_id: An occurrence ID. :type occ_id: uuid.UUID :param event_id: An event ID. :type event_id: uuid.UUID :param dtst_id: A dataset ID. :type dtst_id: str :param prj_id: A project ID. :type prj_id: str :param ref_id: A reference ID. :type ref_id: int :param loc_id: A location ID. :type loc_id: uuid.UUID :param usr: An username. :type usr: str """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' INSERT INTO plugin.occurrence_log ( occurrence_id, event_id, dataset_id, project_id, reference_id, location_id, username) VALUES ( %(occurrence_id)s, %(event_id)s, %(dataset_id)s, %(project_id)s, %(reference_id)s, %(location_id)s, %(username)s) ''', {'occurrence_id': occ_id, 'event_id': event_id, 'dataset_id': dtst_id, 'project_id': prj_id, 'reference_id': ref_id, 'location_id': loc_id, 'username': usr})
[docs]def ins_loc_log(con, id, name, usr): """ Insert a location log to the database. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param id: A location ID. :type id: str :param name: A location name. :type name: str :param usr: An username. :type usr: str """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' INSERT INTO plugin.location_log( location_id, location_name, username) VALUES ( %(location_id)s, %(location_name)s, %(username)s) ''', {'location_id': id, 'location_name': name, 'username': usr})
[docs]def ins_event_log(con, loc_id, event_id, dtst_id, prj_id, ref_id, usr): """ Insert an event log to the database. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param loc_id: A location ID. :type loc_id: str :param event_id: An event ID. :type event_id: uuid.UUID :param dtst_id: A dataset ID. :type dtst_id: str :param prj_id: A project ID. :type prj_id: str :param ref_id: A reference ID. :type ref_id: int :param usr: An username. :type usr: str """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' INSERT INTO plugin.event_log( event_id, location_id, dataset_id, project_id, reference_id, username) VALUES ( %(event_id)s, %(location_id)s, %(dataset_id)s, %(project_id)s, %(reference_id)s, %(username)s) ''', {'event_id': event_id, 'location_id': loc_id, 'dataset_id': dtst_id, 'project_id': prj_id, 'reference_id': ref_id, 'username': usr})
[docs]def ins_dtst_log(con, id, usr): """ Insert a dataset log to the database. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param id: A dataset ID. :type id: str :param usr: An username. :type usr: str """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' INSERT INTO plugin.dataset_log( dataset_id, username) VALUES ( %(dataset_id)s, %(username)s) ''', {'dataset_id': id, 'username': usr})
[docs]def ins_prj_log(con, id, usr): """ Insert a project log to the database. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param id: A project ID. :type id: str :param usr: An username. :type usr: str """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' INSERT INTO plugin.project_log( project_id, username) VALUES ( %(project_id)s, %(username)s) ''', {'project_id': id, 'username': usr})
[docs]def ins_ref_log(con, id, usr): """ Insert a reference log to the database. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param id: A reference ID. :type id: str :param usr: An username. :type usr: str """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) insert_location_log = cur.execute( ''' INSERT INTO plugin.reference_log( reference_id, username) VALUES ( %(reference_id)s, %(username)s) ''', {'reference_id': id, 'username': usr})
[docs]def get_hist_occ_list( con, usr, ins_dt_strt, ins_dt_end, upd_dt_strt, upd_dt_end): """ Returns a list of history occurrences that is used to populate occurrence history table. Also returns a list of history occurrences headers. Data are filtered based on input values. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param usr: An username. :type usr: str :param ins_dt_strt: Insert date start. :type ins_dt_strt: :param ins_dt_end: Insert date end. :type ins_dt_end: :param upd_dt_strt: Update date start. :type upd_dt_strt: :param upd_dt_end: Update date end. :type upd_dt_end: :returns: | A tuple containing: | - *list* -- a list of history occurrences | - *list* -- a list of history occurrences headers :rtype: tuple """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT occurrence_id, event_id, dataset_id, project_id, reference_id, location_id, username, insert_timestamp, update_timestamp FROM plugin.occurrence_log WHERE (%(username)s IS NULL OR "username" LIKE %(username)s) AND date(insert_timestamp) BETWEEN %(ins_dt_strt)s AND %(ins_dt_end)s AND date(update_timestamp) BETWEEN %(upd_dt_strt)s AND %(upd_dt_end)s ''', {'username': usr, 'ins_dt_strt': ins_dt_strt, 'ins_dt_end': ins_dt_end, 'upd_dt_strt': upd_dt_strt, 'upd_dt_end': upd_dt_end}) hist_occ_list = cur.fetchall() hist_occ_hdrs = [d[0] for d in cur.description] return (hist_occ_list, hist_occ_hdrs)
[docs]def get_hist_loc_list( con, usr, ins_dt_strt, ins_dt_end, upd_dt_strt, upd_dt_end): """ Returns a list of history locations that is used to populate location history table. Also returns a list of history locations headers. Data are filtered based on input values. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param usr: An username. :type usr: str :param ins_dt_strt: Insert date start. :type ins_dt_strt: :param ins_dt_end: Insert date end. :type ins_dt_end: :param upd_dt_strt: Update date start. :type upd_dt_strt: :param upd_dt_end: Update date end. :type upd_dt_end: :returns: | A tuple containing: | - *list* -- a list of history locations | - *list* -- a list of history locations headers :rtype: tuple """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT location_id, location_name, username, insert_timestamp, update_timestamp FROM plugin.location_log WHERE (%(username)s IS NULL OR "username" LIKE %(username)s) AND date(insert_timestamp) BETWEEN %(ins_dt_strt)s AND %(ins_dt_end)s AND date(update_timestamp) BETWEEN %(upd_dt_strt)s AND %(upd_dt_end)s ''', {'username': usr, 'ins_dt_strt': ins_dt_strt, 'ins_dt_end': ins_dt_end, 'upd_dt_strt': upd_dt_strt, 'upd_dt_end': upd_dt_end}) hist_loc_list = cur.fetchall() hist_loc_hdrs = [d[0] for d in cur.description] return (hist_loc_list, hist_loc_hdrs)
[docs]def get_hist_event_list( con, usr, ins_dt_strt, ins_dt_end, upd_dt_strt, upd_dt_end): """ Returns a list of history events that is used to populate event history table. Also returns a list of history events headers. Data are filtered based on input values. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param usr: An username. :type usr: str :param ins_dt_strt: Insert date start. :type ins_dt_strt: :param ins_dt_end: Insert date end. :type ins_dt_end: :param upd_dt_strt: Update date start. :type upd_dt_strt: :param upd_dt_end: Update date end. :type upd_dt_end: :returns: | A tuple containing: | - *list* -- a list of history events | - *list* -- a list of history events headers :rtype: tuple """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT event_id, location_id, dataset_id, project_id, reference_id, username, insert_timestamp, update_timestamp FROM plugin.event_log WHERE (%(username)s IS NULL OR "username" LIKE %(username)s) AND date(insert_timestamp) BETWEEN %(ins_dt_strt)s AND %(ins_dt_end)s AND date(update_timestamp) BETWEEN %(upd_dt_strt)s AND %(upd_dt_end)s ''', {'username': usr, 'ins_dt_strt': ins_dt_strt, 'ins_dt_end': ins_dt_end, 'upd_dt_strt': upd_dt_strt, 'upd_dt_end': upd_dt_end}) hist_event_list = cur.fetchall() hist_event_hdrs = [d[0] for d in cur.description] return (hist_event_list, hist_event_hdrs)
[docs]def get_hist_dtst_list( con, usr, ins_dt_strt, ins_dt_end, upd_dt_strt, upd_dt_end): """ Returns a list of history datasets that is used to populate dataset history table. Also returns a list of history datasets headers. Data are filtered based on input values. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param usr: An username. :type usr: str :param ins_dt_strt: Insert date start. :type ins_dt_strt: :param ins_dt_end: Insert date end. :type ins_dt_end: :param upd_dt_strt: Update date start. :type upd_dt_strt: :param upd_dt_end: Update date end. :type upd_dt_end: :returns: | A tuple containing: | - *list* -- a list of history datasets | - *list* -- a list of history datasets headers :rtype: tuple """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT dataset_id, username, insert_timestamp, update_timestamp FROM plugin.dataset_log WHERE (%(username)s IS NULL OR "username" LIKE %(username)s) AND date(insert_timestamp) BETWEEN %(ins_dt_strt)s AND %(ins_dt_end)s AND date(update_timestamp) BETWEEN %(upd_dt_strt)s AND %(upd_dt_end)s ''', {'username': usr, 'ins_dt_strt': ins_dt_strt, 'ins_dt_end': ins_dt_end, 'upd_dt_strt': upd_dt_strt, 'upd_dt_end': upd_dt_end}) hist_dtst_list = cur.fetchall() hist_dtst_hdrs = [d[0] for d in cur.description] return (hist_dtst_list, hist_dtst_hdrs)
[docs]def get_hist_prj_list( con, usr, ins_dt_strt, ins_dt_end, upd_dt_strt, upd_dt_end): """ Returns a list of history projects that is used to populate project history table. Also returns a list of history projects headers. Data are filtered based on input values. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param usr: An username. :type usr: str :param ins_dt_strt: Insert date start. :type ins_dt_strt: :param ins_dt_end: Insert date end. :type ins_dt_end: :param upd_dt_strt: Update date start. :type upd_dt_strt: :param upd_dt_end: Update date end. :type upd_dt_end: :returns: | A tuple containing: | - *list* -- a list of history projects | - *list* -- a list of history projects headers :rtype: tuple """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT project_id, username, insert_timestamp, update_timestamp FROM plugin.project_log WHERE (%(username)s IS NULL OR "username" LIKE %(username)s) AND date(insert_timestamp) BETWEEN %(ins_dt_strt)s AND %(ins_dt_end)s AND date(update_timestamp) BETWEEN %(upd_dt_strt)s AND %(upd_dt_end)s ''', {'username': usr, 'ins_dt_strt': ins_dt_strt, 'ins_dt_end': ins_dt_end, 'upd_dt_strt': upd_dt_strt, 'upd_dt_end': upd_dt_end}) hist_prj_list = cur.fetchall() hist_prj_hdrs = [d[0] for d in cur.description] return (hist_prj_list, hist_prj_hdrs)
[docs]def get_hist_ref_list( con, usr, ins_dt_strt, ins_dt_end, upd_dt_strt, upd_dt_end): """ Returns a list of history references that is used to populate reference history table. Also returns a list of history references headers. Data are filtered based on input values. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param usr: An username. :type usr: str :param ins_dt_strt: Insert date start. :type ins_dt_strt: :param ins_dt_end: Insert date end. :type ins_dt_end: :param upd_dt_strt: Update date start. :type upd_dt_strt: :param upd_dt_end: Update date end. :type upd_dt_end: :returns: | A tuple containing: | - *list* -- a list of history references | - *list* -- a list of history references headers :rtype: tuple """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT reference_id, username, insert_timestamp, update_timestamp FROM plugin.reference_log WHERE (%(username)s IS NULL OR "username" LIKE %(username)s) AND date(insert_timestamp) BETWEEN %(ins_dt_strt)s AND %(ins_dt_end)s AND date(update_timestamp) BETWEEN %(upd_dt_strt)s AND %(upd_dt_end)s ''', {'username': usr, 'ins_dt_strt': ins_dt_strt, 'ins_dt_end': ins_dt_end, 'upd_dt_strt': upd_dt_strt, 'upd_dt_end': upd_dt_end}) hist_ref_list = cur.fetchall() hist_ref_hdrs = [d[0] for d in cur.description] return (hist_ref_list, hist_ref_hdrs)
[docs]def get_usr_list(con): """ Returns a list of users whose accounts are active. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :returns: A list of users whose accounts are active. :rtype: list """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT usename u FROM pg_catalog.pg_user WHERE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP < valuntil ORDER BY u ''') usrs = cur.fetchall() usr_list = [u[0] for u in usrs] return usr_list
[docs]def get_col_def_val(con, schema, tbl, col): """ Returns a column default value for the given table in the given schema. This function returns a default value with database function or cast. :param con: A connection. :type con: psycopg2.connection :param schema: A schema. :type schema: str :param tbl: A table. :type tbl: str :param col: A column. :type col: str :returns: A column default value. :rtype: str """ cur = _get_db_cur(con) cur.execute( ''' SELECT column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = %(schema)s AND table_name = %(table)s AND column_name = %(column)s ''', {'schema': schema, 'table': tbl, 'column': col}) col_def_val = cur.fetchone()[0] return col_def_val