Source code for nofa.gui.ins_mw

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
                                 A QGIS plugin
 Insert fish occurrence data to NOFA DB
        begin                : 2017-01-09
        git sha              : $Format:%H$
        copyright            : (C) 2017 by NINA
        contributors         :

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *

from qgis.core import (
    QgsApplication, QgsMessageLog, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem,
    QgsCoordinateTransform, QgsPoint, QgsRasterLayer, QgsMapLayerRegistry,
    QgsVectorLayer, QgsDataSourceURI, QgsProject, QgsFeature, QgsGeometry)
from qgis.gui import QgsMapToolEmitPoint

from PyQt4 import QtGui, uic
from PyQt4.QtCore import (
    QSettings, QCoreApplication, Qt, QObject, QDate, QDateTime, QObject,
from PyQt4.QtGui import (
    QMessageBox, QTreeWidgetItem, QListWidgetItem, QTableWidget,
    QTableWidgetItem, QMainWindow, QDoubleValidator, QIntValidator, QComboBox,
    QLineEdit, QDateEdit, QAbstractItemView, QValidator, QBrush, QColor,
    QPlainTextEdit, QTextCursor, QWidget)

from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
import os
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extras
import datetime
import uuid
import sys

import de
import dtst_dlg
import prj_dlg
import ref_dlg
import vald
from .. import db, ordered_set

class ActLyrExc(Exception):
    A custom exception when there is no active layer.


class LocLyrSrcExc(Exception):
    A custom exception when a layer source is not `nofa.location`.


class SelFeatExc(Exception):
    A custom exception when there are no selected features.


class MtdtNotFldExc(Exception):
    A custom exception when a metadata mandatory widget is not filled.

    def __init__(self, wdg):

        :param nf_nvl: A widget that is not filled/selected.
        :type nf_nvl: QWidget

        self.wdg = wdg

class OccNotFldExc(Exception):
    A custom exception when a mandatory field in occurrence row is not filled.


class NoLocExc(Exception):
    A custom exception when no location is provided.


class LocidTxtExc(Exception):
    A custom exception when there is a problem
    with format of `locationID` location text.


class NvlTxtExc(Exception):
    A custom exception when there is a problem
    with format of `Norwegian VatLnr` location text.


class CoorTxtExc(Exception):
    A custom exception when there is a problem
    with format of `coordinates` location text.


class LocidMtyExc(Exception):
    A custom exception when location ID is empty.

    def __init__(self, m):

        :param m: A location table row.
        :type m: int

        self.m = m

class LocidFmtExc(Exception):
    A custom exception when format of location ID is not *uuid.UUID*.

    def __init__(self, m, locid):

        :param m: A location table row.
        :type m: int
        :param locid: A location ID.
        :type locid: str

        self.m = m
        self.locid = locid

class LocidNfExc(Exception):
    A custom exception when location ID was not found.

    def __init__(self, m, locid):

        :param m: A location table row.
        :type m: int
        :param locid: A location ID.
        :type locid: str

        self.m = m
        self.locid = locid

class CoorMtyExc(Exception):
    A custom exception when coordinate is empty.

    def __init__(self, m):

        :param m: A location table row.
        :type m: int

        self.m = m

class NvlMtyExc(Exception):
    A custom exception when Norwegian VatLnr is empty.

    def __init__(self, m):

        :param m: A location table row.
        :type m: int

        self.m = m

class NvlNfExc(Exception):
    A custom exception when Norwegian VatLnr was not found.

    def __init__(self, m, nvl):

        :param m: A location table row.
        :type m: int
        :param nvl: Norwegian VatLnr(s) that was/were not found.
        :type nvl: tuple

        self.m = m
        self.nvl = nvl

FORM_CLASS, _ = uic.loadUiType(
    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'ins_mw.ui'))

[docs]class InsMw(QMainWindow, FORM_CLASS): """ A main window for inserting data into NOFA database. """ def __init__(self, iface, mc, plugin_dir): """ Constructor. :param iface: A reference to the QgisInterface. :type iface: QgisInterface :param mc: A reference to the main class. :type mc: object :param plugin_dir: A plugin directory. :type plugin_dir: str """ super(InsMw, self).__init__() # set up the user interface from Designer. self.setupUi(self) self.iface = iface = mc self.plugin_dir = plugin_dir self._setup_self() def _setup_self(self): """ Sets up self. """ = u'NINA' self.app_name = u'NOFAInsert - {}'.format([]) self.settings = QSettings(, self.app_name) self.setWindowTitle(self.app_name) self.loctp_dict = { u'Norwegian VatnLnr': 'no_vatn_lnr', u'coordinates UTM32': 25832, u'coordinates UTM33': 25833} self.crs_dict = OrderedDict([ (u'UTM32', QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:25832')), (u'UTM33', QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:25833'))]) self.loc_met_list = [ u'locationID', u'coordinates', u'Norwegian VatLnr'] self.opt_list = [ u'new', u'nearest'] self.dash_split_str = u' - ' self.at_split_str = u'@' self.mty_str = u'' self.all_str = u'<all>' self.sel_str = u'<select>' self.forbi_str_list = [ self.mty_str, self.sel_str] self.today_dt = self.nxt_week_dt = self.today_dt + datetime.timedelta(days=7) self.fltr_str_dt = datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 1) # self.def_clr = self.ins_btn.palette().background().color() self.grn_clr = QColor(177, 234, 177) self.red_clr = QColor(234, 177, 177) self.yel_clr = QColor(234, 234, 177) self._build_wdgs() def _build_wdgs(self): """ Builds and sets up own widgets. """ self._build_main_tab_wdgs() self._build_hist_tab_wdgs() self.main_tabwdg.setCurrentIndex(0) self.loc_tabwdg.setCurrentIndex(0) self.loc_manual_swdg.setCurrentIndex(0) self._create_loc_tbl() self._create_occ_tbl() self._con_main_tab_wdgs() self._con_hist_tab_wdgs() def _build_main_tab_wdgs(self): """ Builds and sets up widgets in main tab. """ # event - dateStart self.dtstrt_mde = de.MtyDe(self) self.dtstrt_mde.setObjectName(u'dtstrt_mde') self.dtstrt_mde.setDisplayFormat('yyyy-MM-dd') self.event_grid_lyt.addWidget(self.dtstrt_mde, 4, 1, 1, 1) # event - dateEnd self.dtend_mde = de.MtyDe(self) self.dtend_mde.setObjectName(u'dtend_mde') self.dtend_mde.setDisplayFormat('yyyy-MM-dd') self.event_grid_lyt.addWidget(self.dtend_mde, 5, 1, 1, 1) # occurrence - verifiedDate self.verdt_mde = de.MtyDe(self) self.verdt_mde.setObjectName(u'verdt_mde') self.verdt_mde.setDisplayFormat('yyyy-MM-dd') self.occ_grid_lyt.addWidget(self.verdt_mde, 8, 3, 1, 1) # dictionary - widget: occurrence table header self.loc_tbl_wdg_hdr_dict = OrderedDict([ (self.loc_edit_met_cb, u'method'), (self.loc_edit_locid_le, u'locationID'), (self.loc_edit_crs_cb, u'CRS'), (self.loc_edit_opt_cb, u'option'), (self.loc_edit_x_coor_le, u'X'), (self.loc_edit_y_coor_le, u'Y'), (self.loc_edit_verloc_le, u'verbatimLocality'), (self.loc_edit_nvl_le, u'NVL')]) # validators self.smpsv_le.setValidator(QIntValidator(None)) self.smpe_le.setValidator(QIntValidator(None)) self.oq_le.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(None)) self.loc_edit_x_coor_le.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(None)) self.loc_edit_y_coor_le.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(None)) self.loc_edit_nvl_le.setValidator(QIntValidator(None)) self.event_input_wdgs = [ self.smpp_cb, self.smpsu_cb, self.smpsv_le, self.smpe_le, self.dtstrt_mde, self.dtend_mde, self.fldnum_le, self.rcdby_le, self.eventrmk_le, self.relia_cb] # dictionary - widget: occurrence table header self.occ_tbl_wdg_hdr_dict = OrderedDict([ (self.txn_cb, u'taxon'), (self.ectp_cb, u'ecotype'), (self.oqt_cb, u'organismQuantityType'), (self.oq_le, u'organismQuantity'), (self.occstat_cb, u'occurrenceStatus'), (self.poptrend_cb, u'populationTrend'), (self.recnum_le, u'recordNumber'), (self.occrmk_le, u'occurrenceRemarks'), (self.estm_cb, u'establishmentMeans'), (self.estrmk_le, u'establishmentRemarks'), (self.spwnc_cb, u'spawningCondition'), (self.spwnl_cb, u'spawningLocation'), (self.vfdby_le, u'verifiedBy'), (self.verdt_mde, u'verifiedDate')]) # tool for setting coordinates by left mouse click self.cnvs = self.iface.mapCanvas() self.coord_cnvs_tool = QgsMapToolEmitPoint(self.cnvs) self.coord_cnvs_tool.canvasClicked.connect( self._set_cnvs_coord_to_loc_tbl) self.loc_load_btn.setEnabled(False) self.occ_mand_wdgs = [ self.txn_cb, self.occstat_cb, self.estm_cb] self.mtdt_mand_wdgs = [ self.smpp_cb, self.dtend_mde, self.rcdby_le, self.dtst_cb, self.prj_cb] self.all_mand_wdgs = self.occ_mand_wdgs + self.mtdt_mand_wdgs self.set_mand_wdgs(self.all_mand_wdgs) # self.main_hspltr.setStretchFactor(0, 1) # self.main_hspltr.setStretchFactor(1, 2) self.occ_hspltr.setStretchFactor(0, 1) self.occ_hspltr.setStretchFactor(1, 2) def _build_hist_tab_wdgs(self): """ Builds and sets up widgets in history tab. """ # connect date edits min and max dates self.hist_ins_dtstrt_de.dateChanged.connect( self.hist_ins_dtend_de.setMinimumDate) self.hist_ins_dtend_de.dateChanged.connect( self.hist_ins_dtstrt_de.setMaximumDate) self.hist_upd_dtstrt_de.dateChanged.connect( self.hist_upd_dtend_de.setMinimumDate) self.hist_upd_dtend_de.dateChanged.connect( self.hist_upd_dtstrt_de.setMaximumDate) # set date edits' dates self.hist_ins_dtstrt_de.setDate(self.fltr_str_dt) self.hist_ins_dtend_de.setDate(self.today_dt) self.hist_upd_dtstrt_de.setDate(self.fltr_str_dt) self.hist_upd_dtend_de.setDate(self.today_dt) # dictionary for updating history tables self.hist_tbls_fnc_dict = { self.hist_occ_tbl: db.get_hist_occ_list, self.hist_loc_tbl: db.get_hist_loc_list, self.hist_event_tbl: db.get_hist_event_list, self.hist_dtst_tbl: db.get_hist_dtst_list, self.hist_prj_tbl: db.get_hist_prj_list, self.hist_ref_tbl: db.get_hist_ref_list} self.hist_input_wdgs = [ self.usr_cb, self.hist_ins_dtstrt_de, self.hist_ins_dtend_de, self.hist_upd_dtstrt_de, self.hist_upd_dtend_de] def _create_loc_tbl(self): """ Creates an occurrence table with one row. """ self._create_tbl_main_tab( self.loc_tbl, self.loc_tbl_wdg_hdr_dict.values(), self.loc_tbl_wdg_hdr_dict.keys(), self._upd_loc_tbl_item) def _create_occ_tbl(self): """ Creates an occurrence table with one row. """ self._create_tbl_main_tab( self.occ_tbl, self.occ_tbl_wdg_hdr_dict.values(), self.occ_tbl_wdg_hdr_dict.keys(), self._upd_occ_tbl_item) def _con_main_tab_wdgs(self): """ Connects main tab widgets. """ self.main_tabwdg.currentChanged.connect(self._fetch_schema) self._con_loc_wdgs() self._con_mtdt_wdgs() self._con_occ_wdgs() self.txncvg_tw.itemChanged.connect(self._upd_txncvg_tw_chldn) self.rst_btn.clicked.connect(self._rst) self.ins_btn.clicked.connect(self._ins) def _con_loc_wdgs(self): """ Connects location widgets. """ self.wb_le.returnPressed.connect(self._srch_loc) self.cntry_code_cb.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._pop_cnty_cb) self.cnty_cb.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._pop_muni_cb) self.loc_srch_btn.clicked.connect(self._srch_loc) self.loc_load_btn.clicked.connect(self._load_loc_lyr) self.add_seld_feats_btn.clicked.connect(self._add_locid_seld_feats) self.osm_basemap_btn.clicked.connect(self._add_osm_wms_lyr) self.loc_edit_coord_cnvs_btn.clicked.connect(self._act_coord_cnvs_tool) self.loc_manual_met_cb.currentIndexChanged.connect( self._upd_loc_manual_swdg) self.loc_manual_met_cb.currentIndexChanged.emit( self.loc_manual_met_cb.currentIndex()) self.loc_manual_locid_add_btn.clicked.connect(self._add_manual_locid) self.loc_manual_coor_add_btn.clicked.connect(self._add_manual_coor) self.loc_manual_nvl_add_btn.clicked.connect(self._add_manual_nvl) self.loc_edit_met_cb.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._upd_loc_tbl_row) self.loc_tbl.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self._upd_loc_tbl_wdgs) self.loc_tabwdg.currentChanged.connect(self._upd_loc_tbl_wdgs) # table buttons - connect self.loc_rowup_btn.clicked.connect(self._sel_row_up) self.loc_rowdwn_btn.clicked.connect(self._sel_row_dwn) self.loc_addrow_btn.clicked.connect(self._add_tbl_row) self.loc_delrow_btn.clicked.connect(self._del_tbl_row) self.loc_rstrow_btn.clicked.connect(self._rst_tbl_row) self.loc_rstallrows_btn.clicked.connect(self._rst_all_tbl_rows) self.loc_del_btn.clicked.connect(self._del_all_tbl_rows) self.preview_btn.clicked.connect(self._preview_loc) def _con_mtdt_wdgs(self): """ Connects metadata widgets. """ self.adddtst_btn.clicked.connect(self._open_dtst_dlg) self.addprj_btn.clicked.connect(self._open_prj_dlg) self.addref_btn.clicked.connect(self._open_ref_dlg) self.dtst_cb.activated.connect(self._upd_mtdt_lw) self.prj_cb.activated.connect(self._upd_mtdt_lw) self.ref_cb.activated.connect(self._upd_mtdt_lw) def _con_occ_wdgs(self): """ Connects occurrence widgets. """ self.txn_cb.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._pop_ectp_cb) self.occ_tbl.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self._upd_occ_tbl_wdgs) # table buttons - connect self.occ_rowup_btn.clicked.connect(self._sel_row_up) self.occ_rowdwn_btn.clicked.connect(self._sel_row_dwn) self.occ_addrow_btn.clicked.connect(self._add_tbl_row) self.occ_delrow_btn.clicked.connect(self._del_tbl_row) self.occ_rstrow_btn.clicked.connect(self._rst_tbl_row) self.occ_rstallrows_btn.clicked.connect(self._rst_all_tbl_rows) self.occ_del_btn.clicked.connect(self._del_all_tbl_rows) def _con_hist_tab_wdgs(self): """ Connects history tab widgets. """ self._con_wdgs_sgnls_to_met(self.hist_input_wdgs, self._fill_hist_tbls)
[docs] def set_mand_wdgs(self, wdgs): """ Sets mandatory widgets. Mandatory widgets have predefined color when they are not filled/selected. - *QLineEdit* -- must contain at least one - *QComboBox* -- selected value can not be in list of forbidden strings - *QDateEdit* -- user must edit (click) on it at least once :param wdgs: A list of widgets to be set as mandatory. :type wdgs: list """ for wdg in wdgs: if isinstance(wdg, QLineEdit): wdg.setValidator(vald.LenTxtVald(wdg)) wdg.textChanged.connect(self._chck_state_text) wdg.textChanged.emit(wdg.text()) elif isinstance(wdg, QComboBox): wdg.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._chck_state_text) wdg.currentIndexChanged.emit(wdg.currentIndex()) elif isinstance(wdg, QDateEdit): wdg.dateChanged.connect(self._chck_state_text) wdg.dateChanged.emit(
def _chck_state_text(self): """ Checks a sender's state or text and sets its background color accordingly. """ sndr = self.sender() if isinstance(sndr, QLineEdit): valr = sndr.validator() state = valr.validate(sndr.text(), 0)[0] elif isinstance(sndr, QComboBox): txt = sndr.currentText() if txt == self.sel_str: state = QValidator.Invalid else: state = QValidator.Acceptable elif isinstance(sndr, QDateEdit): txt = sndr.findChild(QLineEdit).text() if txt == self.mty_str: state = QValidator.Invalid else: state = QValidator.Acceptable if state == QValidator.Intermediate or state == QValidator.Invalid: clr = self.red_clr stl = 'background-color: {}'.format( else: stl = '' sndr.setStyleSheet(stl)
[docs] def chck_mand_wdgs(self, mand_wdgs, exc): """ Checks if the given mandatory widgets are filled. :param mand_wdgs: A list of mandatory widgets. :type mand_wdgs: list :param exc: An exception that should be raised. :type exc: Exception """ for wdg in mand_wdgs: if isinstance(wdg, QLineEdit): valr = wdg.validator() if valr.validate(wdg.text(), 0)[0] != QValidator.Acceptable: raise exc(wdg) elif isinstance(wdg, QComboBox): if wdg.currentText() == self.sel_str: raise exc(wdg) elif isinstance(wdg, QDateEdit): if wdg.findChild(QLineEdit).text() == self.mty_str: raise exc(wdg)
def _upd_loc_manual_swdg(self, idx): """ Sets index of location manual stacked widget. Also resets all input widgets. :param idx: A current index of location manual method combo box. :type idx: int """ self.loc_manual_swdg.setCurrentIndex(idx) self._rst_wdgs(self._cur_loc_manual_tbl_wdgs) def _add_osm_wms_lyr(self): """ Adds OpenStreetMap WMS layer. """ xml_fp = os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, 'nofa', 'wms', 'osm.xml') lyr = QgsRasterLayer(xml_fp, 'OSM') if lyr.isValid(): QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(lyr, False) lyr_count = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().count() lyr_root = QgsProject.instance().layerTreeRoot() lyr_root.insertLayer(lyr_count, lyr) def _srch_loc(self): """ Searches for location. Data are filtered based on information in widgets. """ wb, cntry_code, cnty, muni = self._loc_fltrs self.loc_load_btn.setEnabled(False) locid_list = db.get_loc_by_fltrs(, wb, cntry_code, cnty, muni) loc_count = len(locid_list) if loc_count != 0: self.loc_load_btn.setEnabled(True) self.locid_list = locid_list self.loc_lyr_name = u'location-{}-{}-{}-{}'.format( wb, cntry_code, cnty, muni) else: self.loc_load_btn.setEnabled(False) self.lake_name_statlbl.setText( u'Found {} location(s).'.format(loc_count)) def _get_val_txt(self, txt, forbi=False, all=False): """ Returns a validated text. :param txt: A text to be validated. :type txt: str :param forbi: True to allow forbidden text, False otherwise. :type forbi: bool :param all: True to allow all text, False otherwise. :type all: bool :returns: A filter, None when text is in list of forbidden strings or when length of text is zero. :rtype: str """ if forbi is False and txt in self.forbi_str_list: val_txt = None elif all is False and txt == self.all_str: val_txt = None elif len(txt) == 0: val_txt = None else: val_txt = txt return val_txt @property def _loc_fltrs(self): """ Returns location filters. It is used to filter locations. :returns: | A tuple containing: | - *str* -- water body | - *str* -- country code | - *str* -- county | - *str* -- municipality :rtype: tuple """ wb = self._wb cntry_code = self._cntry_code cnty = self._cnty muni = self._muni return (wb, cntry_code, cnty, muni) @property def _wb(self): """ Returns a water body from water body line edit. Returns None when there is no text in the line edit. :returns: A water body, None when there is no text in the line edit. :rtype: str """ txt = self.wb_le.text() wb = self._get_val_txt(txt, all=True) return wb @property def _cntry_code(self): """ Returns a country code from country code combo box. :returns: A country code, None when text is equal to `<all>` string or when length of text is zero. :rtype: str """ txt = self.cntry_code_cb.currentText() cntry_code = self._get_val_txt(txt) return cntry_code @property def _cnty(self): """ Returns a county from county combo box. :returns: A county, None when text is equal to `<all>` string or when length of text is zero. :rtype: str """ txt = self.cnty_cb.currentText() cnty = self._get_val_txt(txt) return cnty @property def _muni(self): """ Returns a municipality from municipality combo box. :returns: A municipality, None when text is equal to `<all>` string or when length of text is zero. :rtype: str """ txt = self.muni_cb.currentText() muni = self._get_val_txt(txt) return muni @property def _txn(self): """ Returns a taxon from taxon combo box. :returns: A taxon, None when text is equal to `<all>` string or when length of text is zero. :rtype: str """ txt = self.txn_cb.currentText() txn = self._get_val_txt(txt) return txn def _load_loc_lyr(self): """ Loads a layer containing found locations. """ wb, cntry_code, cnty, muni = self._loc_fltrs loc_lyr = self._get_loc_lyr( self.locid_list, u'search_location-{}-{}-{}-{}'.format(wb, cntry_code, cnty, muni)) if loc_lyr.isValid(): QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(loc_lyr) def _get_loc_lyr(self, locid_list, loc_lyr_name): """ Returns a location layer containing features with the given location IDs. The name of the returned location layer is set according to the given name. :param locid_list: A list of location IDs. :type locid_list: list :param loc_lyr_name: A location layer name. :type loc_lyr_name: str :returns: A location layer containing features with the given location IDs. :rtype: QgsVectorLayer """ uri = QgsDataSourceURI() con_info = uri.setConnection( con_info[], con_info[], con_info[], con_info[], con_info[]) uri.setDataSource( 'nofa', 'location', 'geom', '"locationID" IN ({})'.format( ', '.join(['\'{}\''.format(str(l)) for l in locid_list])), 'locationID') loc_lyr = QgsVectorLayer(uri.uri(), loc_lyr_name, u'postgres') return loc_lyr def _add_locid_seld_feats(self): """ Adds location IDs of selected features to the location table. """ try: lyr = self.iface.activeLayer() self._chck_lyr(lyr) if lyr.selectedFeatureCount() == 0: raise SelFeatExc() sel_feats = lyr.selectedFeaturesIterator() for feat in sel_feats: id = str(feat.attribute('locationID')) self._set_loc_tbl_row(self._get_locid_list(id)) except ActLyrExc: QMessageBox.warning( self, u'No Active Layer', u'There is no active layer.') except LocLyrSrcExc: QMessageBox.warning( self, u'Layer Source', u'Source of active layer is not "nofa.location".') except SelFeatExc: QMessageBox.warning( self, u'Selected Features', u'There are no selected features.') def _chck_lyr(self, lyr): """ Checks if the given layer is a from `nofa.location` table. :param lyr: A layer to be checked. :type lyr: QgsVectorLayer """ try: uri = QgsDataSourceURI(lyr.source()) except AttributeError: raise ActLyrExc() if uri.schema() != 'nofa' or uri.table() != 'location': raise LocLyrSrcExc() def _get_locid_list(self, id): """ Returns a location ID list that is used to populate location table. :param id: A location ID. :type id: str :returns: A location ID list. :rtype: list """ locid_list = [None] * len(self.loc_tbl_wdg_hdr_dict) locid_list[0] = self.loc_met_list[0] locid_list[1] = id return locid_list def _extr_locid_list(self, locid_list): """ Extracts data from location ID list. :param locid_list: A location ID list. :type locid_list: list :returns: A location ID. :rtype: str """ locid = locid_list[1] return locid def _get_coor_list(self, crs_desc, opt, x, y, verb_loc=None): """ Returns a coordinates list that is used to populate location table. :param crs_desc: A CRS description. :type crs_desc: str :param opt: An option. :type opt: str :param x: X coordinate. :type x: float :param y: Y coordinate. :type y: float. :param verb_loc: A verbatim locality. :type verb_loc: str :returns: A coordinates list. :rtype: list. """ coor_list = [None] * len(self.loc_tbl_wdg_hdr_dict) coor_list[0] = self.loc_met_list[1] coor_list[2] = crs_desc coor_list[3] = opt coor_list[4] = str(x) coor_list[5] = str(y) coor_list[6] = verb_loc return coor_list def _extr_coor_list(self, coor_list): """ Extracts data from coordinates list. :param coor_list: A coordinates list. :type coor_list: list :returns: | A tuple containing: | - *str* -- CRS description, | - *str* -- option | - *float* -- X coordinate | - *float* -- Y coordinate | - *str* -- verbatim locality :rtype: tuple """ crs_desc = coor_list[2] opt = coor_list[3] x = float(coor_list[4]) y = float(coor_list[5]) verb_loc = coor_list[6] return (crs_desc, opt, x, y, verb_loc) def _get_nvl_list(self, nvl): """ Returns a `Norwegian VatnLnr` list that is used to populate location table. :param nvl: A `Norwegian VatnLnr`. :type nvl: int :returns: A `Norwegian VatnLnr` list. :rtype: list """ nvl_list = [None] * len(self.loc_tbl_wdg_hdr_dict) nvl_list[0] = self.loc_met_list[2] nvl_list[7] = str(nvl) return nvl_list def _extr_nvl_list(self, nvl_list): """ Extracts data from `Norwegian VatnLnr` list. :param nvl_list: A `Norwegian VatnLnr` list. :type nvl_list: list :returns: A `Norwegian VatnLnr`. :rtype: int """ nvl = int(nvl_list[7]) return nvl
[docs] def dsc_from_iface(self): """ Disconnects the plugin from the QGIS interface. """ if self.iface.mapCanvas().mapTool() == self.coord_cnvs_tool: self.iface.mapCanvas().unsetMapTool(self.coord_cnvs_tool) self.iface.mapCanvas().setMapTool(self.last_map_tool)
def _act_coord_cnvs_tool(self): """ Activates a tool that allows user to set coordinates by mouse click. """ self.last_map_tool = self.iface.mapCanvas().mapTool() self.iface.mapCanvas().setMapTool(self.coord_cnvs_tool) def _set_cnvs_coord_to_loc_tbl(self, pnt, btn): """ Sets canvas coordinates to the location table. It transforms coordinates to the current CRS. Coordinates are set only on left mouse click. :param pnt: A point. :type pnt: QgsPoint :param btn: A mouse button. :type btn: QtCore.MouseButton """ row_data = self._get_row_data(self.loc_tbl, self.loc_tbl.currentRow()) # set coordinates only on left mouse click # and when method of current row is 'coordinates' if btn == Qt.LeftButton and row_data[0] == self.loc_met_list[1]: in_crs = self.cnvs.mapSettings().destinationCrs() crs_desc = self._edit_crs_desc out_crs = self.crs_dict[crs_desc] in_x = pnt.x() in_y = pnt.y() out_x, out_y = self._trf_coord(in_crs, out_crs, in_x, in_y) self.loc_edit_x_coor_le.setText(str(out_x)) self.loc_edit_y_coor_le.setText(str(out_y)) @property def _edit_crs_desc(self): """ Returns an edit CRS description. :returns: An edit CRS description. :rtype: str """ crs_desc = self.loc_edit_crs_cb.currentText() return crs_desc @property def _manual_crs_desc(self): """ Returns a manual CRS description. :returns: A manual CRS description. :rtype: str """ crs_desc = self.loc_manual_coor_crs_cb.currentText() return crs_desc @property def _edit_opt(self): """ Returns an edit option. :returns: An edit option. :rtype: str """ opt = self.loc_edit_opt_cb.currentText() return opt @property def _manual_opt(self): """ Returns a manual option. :returns: A manual option. :rtype: str """ opt = self.loc_manual_coor_opt_cb.currentText() return opt def _trf_coord(self, in_crs, out_crs, in_x, in_y): """ Transforms the given X and Y coordinates from the input CRS to the output CRS. :param in_crs: An input CRS. :type in_crs: QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem :param out_crs: An Output CRS. :type out_crs: QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem :param in_x: An input X coordinate. :type in_x: float :param in_y: An input Y coordinate. :type in_y: float :returns: X and Y coordinates in the output CRS. :rtype: tuple """ trf = QgsCoordinateTransform(in_crs, out_crs) out_x, out_y = trf.transform(QgsPoint(in_x, in_y)) return (out_x, out_y) def _add_manual_locid(self): """ Adds location IDs from text to location table. """ try: locid_input_set = self._get_locid_input_set() for locid in locid_input_set: self._set_loc_tbl_row(self._get_locid_list(*locid)) except NoLocExc: QMessageBox.warning( self, u'No Location', u'Enter at least one location.') except LocidTxtExc: QMessageBox.warning( self, u'locationID', u'Enter valid UUID separated by commas.\n' u'For example:\n' u'0001b8f3-65fb-4877-8808-ca67094e1cbb, ' u'0002bdc7-b232-4c5b-bd4d-3d4f21da24b6') def _get_locid_input_set(self): """ Returns a location ID input set. :returns: A location ID input set. :rtype: ordered_set.OrderedSet """ locid_txt = self.loc_manual_locid_pte.toPlainText() if len(locid_txt) == 0: raise NoLocExc() locid_txt = locid_txt.strip(',') locid_input_list = [locid.strip() for locid in locid_txt.split(',')] for i, locid in enumerate(locid_input_list): try: uuid.UUID(locid) locid_input_list[i] = [locid] except ValueError: raise LocidTxtExc() locid_input_set = ordered_set.OrderedSet(map(tuple, locid_input_list)) return locid_input_set def _add_manual_coor(self): """ Adds coordinates from text to location table. """ try: crs_desc = self._manual_crs_desc opt = self._manual_opt coor_input_set = self._get_coor_input_set() for coor in coor_input_set: self._set_loc_tbl_row( self._get_coor_list(crs_desc, opt, *coor)) except NoLocExc: QMessageBox.warning( self, u'No Location', u'Enter at least one location.') except CoorTxtExc: QMessageBox.warning( self, u'Coordinates', u'Enter location in this format separated by commas ' u'(verbatimLocality is optional):\n' u'"<X> <Y> <verbatimLocality>"\n' u'For example:\n' u'601404.85 6644928.24 Hovinbk, ' u'580033.12 6633807.99 Drengsrudbk') def _get_coor_input_set(self): """ Returns a coordinates input set. :returns: A coordinates input set. :rtype: ordered_set.OrderedSet """ coor_txt = self.loc_manual_coor_pte.toPlainText() if len(coor_txt) == 0: raise NoLocExc() coor_txt = coor_txt.strip(',') coor_input_list = \ [loc.strip().split(' ') for loc in coor_txt.split(',')] for m in range(len(coor_input_list)): for n in range(2): try: coor_input_list[m][n] = float(coor_input_list[m][n]) except ValueError: raise CoorTxtExc() coor_input_set = ordered_set.OrderedSet(map(tuple, coor_input_list)) return coor_input_set def _add_manual_nvl(self): """ Adds `Norwegian VatnLnr` from text to location table. """ try: nvl_input_set = self._get_nvl_input_set() for nvl in nvl_input_set: self._set_loc_tbl_row(self._get_nvl_list(*nvl)) except NoLocExc: QMessageBox.warning( self, u'No Location', u'Enter at least one location.') except NvlTxtExc: QMessageBox.warning( self, u'Norwegian VatLnr', u'Enter integers separated by commas.\n' u'For example:\n' u'3067, 5616, 5627') def _get_nvl_input_set(self): """ Returns a `Norwegian VatnLnr` input set. :returns: A `Norwegian VatnLnr` input set. :rtype: ordered_set.OrderedSet """ nvl_txt = self.loc_manual_nvl_pte.toPlainText() if len(nvl_txt) == 0: raise NoLocExc() nvl_txt = nvl_txt.strip(',') nvl_input_list = [nvl.strip() for nvl in nvl_txt.split(',')] for i, nvl in enumerate(nvl_input_list): try: nvl_input_list[i] = [int(nvl)] except ValueError: raise NvlTxtExc() nvl_input_set = ordered_set.OrderedSet(map(tuple, nvl_input_list)) return nvl_input_set def _preview_loc(self): """ Previews all locations in the location table. It adds two layer to map canvas: - layer of existing locations - layer of new locations. """ try: locid_list = [] tbl = self.loc_tbl new_loc_feat_list = [] for m in range(tbl.rowCount()): row_data = self._get_row_data(tbl, m) loc_met = row_data[0] # locationID if loc_met == self.loc_met_list[0]: locid = self._get_locid_locid(m, row_data) # coordinates elif loc_met == self.loc_met_list[1]: new_loc_feat, locid = self._get_new_loc_feat_locid_coor( m, row_data) if new_loc_feat: new_loc_feat_list.append(new_loc_feat) # nvl elif loc_met == self.loc_met_list[2]: locid = self._get_locid_nvl(m, row_data) if locid: locid_list.append(locid) if len(locid_list) != 0: exg_loc_lyr = self._get_loc_lyr( locid_list, u'preview_location-existing') if exg_loc_lyr.isValid(): QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(exg_loc_lyr) if len(new_loc_feat_list) != 0: new_loc_lyr = QgsVectorLayer( u'Point?crs={}'.format(self._utm33_crs.authid()), u'preview_location-new', u'memory') dp = new_loc_lyr.dataProvider() dp.addFeatures(new_loc_feat_list) new_loc_lyr.updateExtents() if new_loc_lyr.isValid(): QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(new_loc_lyr) except LocidMtyExc as e: self.main_tb.setCurrentWidget(self.loc_wdg) self.loc_tbl.setCurrentCell(e.m, 1) QMessageBox.warning( self, u'locationID', u'locationID of selected row is empty.') except LocidFmtExc as e: self.main_tb.setCurrentWidget(self.loc_wdg) self.loc_tbl.setCurrentCell(e.m, 1) QMessageBox.warning( self, u'locationID', u'locationID "{}" is not UUID.'.format(e.locid)) except LocidNfExc as e: self.main_tb.setCurrentWidget(self.loc_wdg) self.loc_tbl.setCurrentCell(e.m, 1) QMessageBox.warning( self, u'locationID', u'locationID "{}" was not found.'.format(e.locid)) except CoorMtyExc as e: self.main_tb.setCurrentWidget(self.loc_wdg) self.loc_tbl.setCurrentCell(e.m, 5) QMessageBox.warning( self, u'coordinates', u'Both X and Y coordinates must be entered.') except NvlMtyExc as e: self.main_tb.setCurrentWidget(self.loc_wdg) self.loc_tbl.setCurrentCell(e.m, 7) QMessageBox.warning( self, u'Norwegian VatLnr', u'Norwegian VatLnr of selected row is empty.') except NvlNfExc as e: self.main_tb.setCurrentWidget(self.loc_wdg) self.loc_tbl.setCurrentCell(e.m, 7) QMessageBox.warning( self, u'Norwegian VatLnr', u'Norwegian VatLnr code "{}" was not found.'.format(e.nvl)) def _get_new_loc_feat_locid_coor(self, m, row_data): """ Returns a new location feature or a location ID. It is used for 'coordinates' method. Checks if both X and Y coordinates are entered. Based on option it returns a new location feature or returns location ID of the nearest location. :param m: A location table row. :type m: int :param row_data: Data in location table row. :type row_data: list :returns: A location ID of new location or the nearest location. :rtype: str """ try: crs_desc, opt, x, y, verb_loc = self._extr_coor_list(row_data) except TypeError: raise CoorMtyExc(m) crs = self.crs_dict[crs_desc] srid = crs.authid().split(u':')[1] new_loc_feat = None locid = None # new if opt == self.opt_list[0]: out_crs = self._utm33_crs out_x, out_y = self._trf_coord(crs, out_crs, x, y) pnt_geom = QgsGeometry.fromPoint(QgsPoint(out_x, out_y)) new_loc_feat = QgsFeature() new_loc_feat.setGeometry(pnt_geom) # nearest elif opt == self.opt_list[1]: locid = self._get_nrst_locid(x, y, srid) return (new_loc_feat, locid) @property def _utm33_crs(self): """ Return UTM33 CRS. :returns: UTM33 CRS. :rtype: QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem """ utm33_crs = self.crs_dict[u'UTM33'] return utm33_crs def _fetch_schema(self): """ Fetches a schema based on what tab is active. If the main tab is active it fetches data from `NOFA` schema, otherwise it fetches data from `plugin` schema. """ idx = self.main_tabwdg.currentIndex() if idx == 0: self._fetch_nofa_schema() elif idx == 1: self._fetch_plugin_schema() def _fetch_plugin_schema(self): """ Fetches data from the `plugin` schema and populates tables. """ self._pop_usr_cb() self._fill_hist_tbls() self.hist_tabwdg.setCurrentIndex(0) def _pop_usr_cb(self): """ Populates the user combo box. """ usr_list = db.get_usr_list( usr_list.insert(0, self.all_str) self.usr_cb.clear() self.usr_cb.addItems(usr_list) self.usr_cb.setCurrentIndex( usr_list.index([])) def _fill_hist_tbls(self): """ Fills all history tables. """ hist_fltrs = self._hist_fltrs for tbl, fnc in self.hist_tbls_fnc_dict.items(): tbl_list, tbl_hdrs = fnc(, *hist_fltrs) self._create_tbl_hist_tab(tbl, tbl_list, tbl_hdrs) @property def _hist_fltrs(self): """ Returns history filters. It is used to filter entries in history tab. :returns: | A tuple containing: | - *str* -- user | - ** -- insert start date | - ** -- insert end date | - ** -- update start date | - ** -- update end date :rtype: tuple """ usr_txt = self.usr_cb.currentText() usr = self._get_val_txt(usr_txt) ins_dt_strt = ins_dt_end = upd_dt_strt = upd_dt_end = return (usr, ins_dt_strt, ins_dt_end, upd_dt_strt, upd_dt_end) def _open_dtst_dlg(self): """ Opens a dialog for adding a new dataset. """ self.dtst_dlg = dtst_dlg.DtstDlg(, self) def _open_prj_dlg(self): """ Opens a dialog for adding a new project. """ self.prj_dlg = prj_dlg.PrjDlg(, self) def _open_ref_dlg(self): """ Opens a dialog for adding a new reference. """ self.ref_dlg = ref_dlg.RefDlg(, self) def _upd_txncvg_tw_chldn(self, par): """ Updates children in the taxonomic coverage tree widget based on the state of its parent. :param par: A changed item. :type par: QTableWidgetItem """ chck_state = par.checkState(0) for i in range(par.childCount()): chld = par.child(i) chld.setCheckState(0, chck_state) self._upd_txncvg_tw_chldn(chld) def _rst(self): """ Resets all widgets in the main tab. """ self._rst_loc_tbl() self._rst_loc_wdgs() self._rst_event_wdgs() self._rst_mtdt_wdgs() self._rst_occ_tbl() self._rst_txncvg_tw() def _rst_loc_tbl(self): """ Resets location table. """ def _rst_loc_wdgs(self): """ Resets location widgets. """ self._rst_cb_by_cb_dict(self._loc_cb_dict) self._rst_cb_by_cb_dict(self._loc_edit_met_cb_dict) self._rst_cb_by_cb_dict(self._loc_manual_met_cb_dict) self.wb_le.clear() self.lake_name_statlbl.setText(u'Search for locations.') def _rst_event_wdgs(self): """ Resets all event widgets. """ self._rst_wdgs(self.event_input_wdgs) self._rst_cb_by_cb_dict(self._event_cb_dict) def _rst_mtdt_wdgs(self): """ Resets all metadata widgets. """ sel_str = self.sel_str self.upd_dtst(sel_str) self.upd_prj(sel_str) self.upd_ref(sel_str) def _rst_occ_tbl(self): """ Resets occurrence table. Also resets occurrence widgets because it is connected to the table. """ def _rst_txncvg_tw(self): """ Resets taxonomic coverage tree widget. """ txncvg_root_item = self.txncvg_tw.invisibleRootItem().child(0) if txncvg_root_item.checkState(0) == Qt.Unchecked: txncvg_root_item.setCheckState(0, Qt.Checked) txncvg_root_item.setCheckState(0, Qt.Unchecked) self.txncvg_tw.expandToDepth(0) def _ins(self): """ Inserts the data into the database. """ try: self.chck_mand_wdgs(self.mtdt_mand_wdgs, MtdtNotFldExc) self._chck_occ_tbl() locid_list = self._get_loc_list() event_list = self.get_wdg_list(self.event_input_wdgs) dtst_id = self._get_dtst_id() prj_id = self._get_prj_id() ref_id = self._get_ref_id() for loc_id in locid_list: event_id = uuid.uuid4() db.ins_event(, loc_id, event_id, event_list, dtst_id, prj_id, ref_id) db.ins_event_log(, loc_id, event_id, dtst_id, prj_id, ref_id,[]) self._ins_txncvg(event_id) for m in range(self.occ_tbl.rowCount()): occ_id = uuid.uuid4() occ_row_list = self._get_occ_row_list(m) txn_id = db.get_txn_id(, occ_row_list[0]) ectp = occ_row_list[1] ectp_id = db.get_ectp_id(, ectp) db.ins_occ(, occ_id, txn_id, ectp_id, occ_row_list, event_id) db.ins_occ_log(, occ_id, event_id, dtst_id, prj_id, ref_id, loc_id,[]) QMessageBox.information(self, u'Saved', u'Data correctly saved.') except MtdtNotFldExc as e: self.main_tb.setCurrentWidget(e.wdg.parent()) e.wdg.setFocus() QMessageBox.warning( self, u'Mandatory Metadata Fields', u'Fill/select all mandatory metadata fields.') except OccNotFldExc: QMessageBox.warning( self, u'Taxon', u'Select taxon.') except LocidMtyExc as e: self.main_tb.setCurrentWidget(self.loc_wdg) self.loc_tbl.setCurrentCell(e.m, 1) QMessageBox.warning( self, u'locationID', u'locationID of selected row is empty.') except LocidFmtExc as e: self.main_tb.setCurrentWidget(self.loc_wdg) self.loc_tbl.setCurrentCell(e.m, 1) QMessageBox.warning( self, u'locationID', u'locationID "{}" is not UUID.'.format(e.locid)) except LocidNfExc as e: self.main_tb.setCurrentWidget(self.loc_wdg) self.loc_tbl.setCurrentCell(e.m, 1) QMessageBox.warning( self, u'locationID', u'locationID "{}" was not found.'.format(e.locid)) except CoorMtyExc as e: self.main_tb.setCurrentWidget(self.loc_wdg) self.loc_tbl.setCurrentCell(e.m, 5) QMessageBox.warning( self, u'coordinates', u'Both X and Y coordinates must be entered.') except NvlMtyExc as e: self.main_tb.setCurrentWidget(self.loc_wdg) self.loc_tbl.setCurrentCell(e.m, 7) QMessageBox.warning( self, u'Norwegian VatLnr', u'Norwegian VatLnr of selected row is empty.') except NvlNfExc as e: self.main_tb.setCurrentWidget(self.loc_wdg) self.loc_tbl.setCurrentCell(e.m, 7) QMessageBox.warning( self, u'Norwegian VatLnr', u'Norwegian VatLnr code "{}" was not found.'.format(e.nvl)) def _chck_occ_tbl(self): """ Checks if all rows in the occurrence are filled. """ for m in range(self.occ_tbl.rowCount()): occ_row_list = self._get_occ_row_list(m) if occ_row_list[0] is None: self.occ_tbl.selectRow(m) raise OccNotFldExc() def _get_loc_list(self): """ Returns a location ID list. :returns: A location ID list. :rtype: list """ locid_list = [] tbl = self.loc_tbl for m in range(tbl.rowCount()): row_data = self._get_row_data(tbl, m) loc_met = row_data[0] # locationID if loc_met == self.loc_met_list[0]: locid = self._get_locid_locid(m, row_data) # coordinates elif loc_met == self.loc_met_list[1]: locid = self._get_locid_coor(m, row_data) # nvl elif loc_met == self.loc_met_list[2]: locid = self._get_locid_nvl(m, row_data) locid_list.append(locid) return locid_list def _get_locid_locid(self, m, row_data): """ Returns a location ID. It is used for 'locationID' method. Checks if location ID is empty, if it a valid *UUID* and if it exists in the database. :param m: A location table row. :type m: int :param row_data: Data in location table row. :type row_data: list :returns: A location ID. :rtype: str """ locid = self._extr_locid_list(row_data) if not locid: raise LocidMtyExc(m) try: uuid.UUID(locid) except ValueError: raise LocidFmtExc(m, locid) if not db.chck_locid(, locid): raise LocidNfExc(m, locid) return locid def _get_locid_coor(self, m, row_data): """ Returns a location ID. It is used for 'coordinates' method. Checks if both X and Y coordinates are entered. Based on option it inserts new location or returns location ID of the nearest location. :param m: A location table row. :type m: int :param row_data: Data in location table row. :type row_data: list :returns: A location ID of new location or the nearest location. :rtype: str """ try: crs_desc, opt, x, y, verb_loc = self._extr_coor_list(row_data) except TypeError: raise CoorMtyExc(m) srid = self.crs_dict[crs_desc].authid().split(u':')[1] # new if opt == self.opt_list[0]: locid = uuid.uuid4() mpt_str = db.get_mpt_str(x, y) utm33_geom = db.get_utm33_geom(, mpt_str, srid) db.ins_new_loc(, locid, utm33_geom, verb_loc) db.ins_loc_log(, locid, verb_loc,[]) # nearest elif opt == self.opt_list[1]: locid = self._get_nrst_locid(x, y, srid) return locid def _get_nrst_locid(self, x, y, srid): """ Returns a location ID of the nearest location. :param x: X coordinate. :type x: float :param y: Y coordinate. :type y: float :param srid: SRID. :type srid: int :returns: A location ID of the nearest location. :rtype: str """ pt_str = db.get_pt_str(x, y) utm33_geom = db.get_utm33_geom(, pt_str, srid) locid = db.get_nrst_locid(, utm33_geom) locid = str(locid) return locid def _get_locid_nvl(self, m, row_data): """ Returns a location ID. It is used for 'Norwegian VatLnr' method. Checks if Norwegian VatLnr is empty. It searches for location ID with the given Norwegian VatLnr. :param m: A location table row. :type m: int :param row_data: Data in location table row. :type row_data: list :returns: A location ID with the given Norwegian VatLnr. :rtype: str """ try: nvl = self._extr_nvl_list(row_data) except TypeError: raise NvlMtyExc(m) try: locid = db.get_locid_from_nvl(, nvl) except TypeError: raise NvlNfExc(m, nvl) return locid
[docs] def get_wdg_list(self, wdgs, pydate=True, forbi=False): """ Returns the data from the given list of widgets. :param wdgs: A list of widgets whose data should be returned. :type wdgs: list :param pydate: True to convert *QDate* to **, False otherwise. :type pydate: bool :param forbi: True to allow forbidden text, False otherwise. :type forbi: bool :returns: A list of data from event input widgets. :rtype: list """ wdg_list = [] for wdg in wdgs: if isinstance(wdg, QLineEdit): txt = wdg.text() wdg_vald = wdg.validator() if not vald: wdg_data = self._get_val_txt(txt, forbi) elif isinstance(wdg_vald, (QIntValidator, vald.LenIntVald)): try: wdg_data = int(txt) except ValueError: wdg_data = None elif isinstance(wdg_vald, QDoubleValidator): try: wdg_data = float(txt) except ValueError: wdg_data = None else: wdg_data = self._get_val_txt(txt, forbi) elif isinstance(wdg, QComboBox): txt = wdg.currentText() wdg_data = self._get_val_txt(txt, forbi) elif isinstance(wdg, QDateEdit): if wdg.findChild(QLineEdit).text() == self.mty_str: wdg_data = None else: wdg_data = if pydate: wdg_data = wdg_data.toPyDate() elif isinstance(wdg, QPlainTextEdit): txt = wdg.toPlainText() wdg_data = self._get_val_txt(txt, forbi) wdg_list.append(wdg_data) return wdg_list
def _rst_wdgs(self, wdgs): """ Resets the given widgets. - *QLineEdit* -- clear - *QPlainTextEdit* -- clear - *QComboBox* -- set current index to 0 - *QDateEdit* -- set date to minimum :param wdgs: Widgets to be cleared. :type wdgs: list """ for wdg in wdgs: if isinstance(wdg, QLineEdit): wdg.clear() elif isinstance(wdg, QPlainTextEdit): wdg.clear() elif isinstance(wdg, QComboBox): wdg.setCurrentIndex(0) elif isinstance(wdg, QDateEdit): wdg.setDate(wdg.minimumDate()) def _get_occ_row_list(self, m, forbi=False): """ Returns an occurrence row list. :param m: A row number. :type m: int :param forbi: True to allow forbidden text, False otherwise. :type forbi: bool :returns: A list of data in the given row in the occurrence table. :rtype: list """ occ_row_list = [] # OS.NINA # depends on the order in the table for n in range(self.occ_tbl.columnCount()): wdg_data = self.occ_tbl.item(m, n).data(Qt.EditRole) if isinstance(wdg_data, (str, unicode)): wdg_data = self._get_val_txt(wdg_data, forbi) if isinstance(wdg_data, QDate): wdg_data = wdg_data.toPyDate() occ_row_list.append(wdg_data) return occ_row_list def _ins_txncvg(self, event_id): """ Inserts all checked taxons into the database. :param event_id: An event ID. :type event_id: uuid.UUID """ for txn in self._ckd_txns: txn_id = db.get_txn_id(, txn) db.ins_txncvg(, txn_id, event_id) @property def _ckd_txns(self): """ Returns all checked taxons from the taxon coverage tree widget. :returns: A list of all checked taxons. :rtype: list """ txn_list = [] all_item = self.txncvg_tw.invisibleRootItem().child(0) for i in range(all_item.childCount()): fam_item = all_item.child(i) for j in range(fam_item.childCount()): txn_item = fam_item.child(j) if txn_item.checkState(0) == Qt.Checked: txn_list.append(txn_item.text(0)) return txn_list
[docs] def upd_dtst(self, dtst_str=None): """ Updates a dataset according to the last selected. :param dtst_str: A dataset string `<ID> - <name>`. :type dtst_str: str """ self._upd_mtdt(self.dtst_cb, dtst_str)
[docs] def upd_prj(self, prj_str=None): """ Updates a project according to the last selected. :param prj_str: A project string `<name> - <organisation>`. :type prj_str: str """ self._upd_mtdt(self.prj_cb, prj_str)
[docs] def upd_ref(self, ref_str=None): """ Updates a reference according to the last selected. :param ref_str: A reference string `<author>: <title> (<year>) @<ID>`. :type ref_str: str """ self._upd_mtdt(self.ref_cb, ref_str)
def _upd_mtdt(self, cb, cb_str=None): """ Updates a metadata according to the last selected. """ if not cb_str: cb_str = self.settings.value(cb.objectName()) if cb_str: cb_idx = cb.findText(cb_str) cb.setCurrentIndex(cb_idx) else: cb_str = cb.currentText() self._upd_mtdt_lw(cb_str, cb) def _upd_mtdt_lw(self, cb_str, cb=None): """ Updates a metadata list widget. :param cb_str: A combob box string. :type cb_str: str :param cb: A combo box. :type cb: QComboBox """ if isinstance(cb_str, int): cb = self.sender() cb_str = cb.currentText() idx = self.main_tb.indexOf(cb.parentWidget()) mdtd_base_txt = self.main_tb.itemText(idx).split( self.dash_split_str)[0] lw, id_met, info_fnc, mtdt_str_fnc = self._mtdt_lw_cb_dict[cb] lw.clear() if cb_str in self.forbi_str_list: mtdt_txt = cb_str else: items, hdrs = info_fnc(, id_met()) self._pop_lw(lw, items, hdrs) mtdt_txt = mtdt_str_fnc(cb_str) self._set_mtdt_item_txt( idx, u'{}{}{}' .format(mdtd_base_txt, self.dash_split_str, mtdt_txt)) self.settings.setValue(cb.objectName(), cb_str) def _set_mtdt_item_txt(self, item_index, text): """ Sets metadata item text. :param item_index: An item index. :type item_index: int :param text: A text. :type text: str """ self.main_tb.setItemText(item_index, text) @property def _mtdt_lw_cb_dict(self): """ Returns a metadata list widget combo box dictionary. :returns: | A metadata combo box dictionary: | - key - <combo box name> | - value - [ | <list widget>, | <method that returns ID>, | <function that returns information>, | <function that returns metadata string>] :rtype: dict. """ mtdt_cb_dict = { self.dtst_cb: [ self.dtst_lw, self._get_dtst_id, db.get_dtst_info, db.get_dtst_mtdt_str], self.prj_cb: [ self.prj_lw, self._get_prj_id, db.get_prj_info, db.get_prj_mtdt_str], self.ref_cb: [ self.ref_lw, self._get_ref_id, db.get_ref_info, db.get_ref_mtdt_str]} return mtdt_cb_dict def _pop_lw(self, lw, items, hdrs): """ Populates the given list widget. Adds all items with their corresponding headers `<header>: <item>`. :param lw: A list widget. :type lw: QListWidget :param items: Items to be added. :type items: list :param hdrs: Headers to be added. :type hdrs: list """ for hdr, item in zip(hdrs, items): lw_item = QListWidgetItem( u'{}: {}'.format(hdr, unicode(item) if item else u'')) lw.addItem(lw_item)
[docs] def prep(self): """ Prepares the whole plugin to be shown. """ self._fetch_nofa_schema() self._rst_loc_tbl() self._rst_loc_wdgs() self._rst_event_wdgs() self._rst_occ_tbl() self._rst_txncvg_tw()
def _fetch_nofa_schema(self): """ Fetches data from the `NOFA` schema and populates widgets. """ nofa_cb_dict = self._nofa_cb_dict self.pop_cb(nofa_cb_dict) self.upd_dtst() self.upd_prj() self.upd_ref() self._pop_txncvg_tw()
[docs] def pop_cb(self, cb_dict): """ Populates combo boxe(s) and/or list widget(s). :param cb_dict: | A combo box dictionary: | - key - <combo box name> | - value - [<fill method>, [<arguments>], <default value>] :type cb_dict: dict """ for cb, cb_list in cb_dict.items(): fnc = cb_list[0] args = cb_list[1] def_val = cb_list[2] item_list = fnc(*args) if def_val not in item_list: item_list.insert(0, def_val) self._add_cb_items(cb, item_list) cb.setCurrentIndex(item_list.index(def_val))
def _pop_cnty_cb(self): """ Populates the county combo box according to the currently selected country. """ self.pop_cb(self._cnty_cb_dict) def _pop_muni_cb(self): """ Populates the municipality combo box according to the currently selected country and county. """ self.pop_cb(self._muni_cb_dict) def _pop_ectp_cb(self): """ Populates the ecotype combo box according to the currently selected taxon. """ self.pop_cb(self._ectp_cb_dict)
[docs] def pop_dtst_cb(self): """ Populates the dataset combo box. """ self.pop_cb(self._dtst_cb_dict)
[docs] def pop_prj_cb(self): """ Populates the project combo box. """ self.pop_cb(self._prj_cb_dict)
[docs] def pop_ref_cb(self): """ Populates the reference combo box. """ self.pop_cb(self._ref_cb_dict)
def _add_cb_items(self, cb, item_list): """ Adds items from the item list to the combo box. :param cb: A combob box. :type cb: QComboBox :param item_list: An item list. :type item_list: list """ cb.clear() for i, item in enumerate(item_list): cb.addItem(item) # if item in self.forbi_str_list: # clr = self.red_clr # cb.setItemData(i, QBrush(clr), Qt.BackgroundRole) def _rst_cb_by_cb_dict(self, cb_dict): """ Resets combo boxes by the given combo box dictionary. :param cb_dict: | A combo box dictionary: | - key - <combo box name> | - value - [<fill method>, [<arguments>], <default value>] :type cb_dict: dict """ for cb, cb_list in cb_dict.items(): def_val = cb_list[2] cb.setCurrentIndex(cb.findText(def_val)) # ensure that signal is emitted cb.currentIndexChanged.emit(cb.currentIndex()) @property def _nofa_cb_dict(self): """ Returns a `NOFA` combo box dictionary. :returns: | A `NOFA` combo box dictionary: | - key - <combo box name> | - value - [<fill method>, [<arguments>], <default value>] :rtype: dict """ nofa_cb_dict = { self.oqt_cb: [ db.get_oqt_list, [], self.mty_str], self.poptrend_cb: [ db.get_poptrend_list, [], self.mty_str], self.spwnc_cb: [ db.get_spwnc_list, [], self.mty_str], self.spwnl_cb: [ db.get_spwnl_list, [], self.mty_str]} nofa_cb_dict = self._get_mrgd_dict( nofa_cb_dict, self._loc_cb_dict, self._loc_edit_met_cb_dict, self._loc_manual_met_cb_dict, self._event_cb_dict, self._ectp_cb_dict, self._mtdt_cb_dict, self._occ_mand_cb_dict) return nofa_cb_dict def _get_mrgd_dict(self, *dicts): """ Returns a merged dictionary of all given dictionaries. """ mrgd_dict = {} for dict in dicts: for key, val in dict.items(): mrgd_dict[key] = val return mrgd_dict @property def _loc_cb_dict(self): """ Returns a combo box dictionary for all location combo boxes. :returns: | A combo box dictionary for all location combo boxes: | - key - <combo box name> | - value - [<fill method>, [<arguments>], <default value>] :rtype: dict """ loc_cb_dict = { self.cntry_code_cb: [ db.get_cntry_code_list, [], self.all_str], self.loc_edit_crs_cb: [ self._get_srs_desc_list, [], self.crs_dict.items()[0][0]], self.loc_edit_opt_cb: [ self._get_opt_list, [], self.opt_list[0]], self.loc_manual_coor_crs_cb: [ self._get_srs_desc_list, [], self.crs_dict.items()[0][0]], self.loc_manual_coor_opt_cb: [ self._get_opt_list, [], self.opt_list[0]]} loc_cb_dict = self._get_mrgd_dict( loc_cb_dict, self._cnty_cb_dict, self._muni_cb_dict) return loc_cb_dict @property def _cnty_cb_dict(self): """ Returns a county combo box dictionary. :returns: | A county combo box dictionary: | - key - <combo box name> | - value - [<fill method>, [<arguments>], <default value>] :rtype: dict """ cnty_cb_dict = { self.cnty_cb: [ db.get_cnty_list, [, self._cntry_code], self.all_str]} return cnty_cb_dict @property def _muni_cb_dict(self): """ Returns a municipality combo box dictionary. :returns: | A municipality combo box dictionary: | - key - <combo box name> | - value - [<fill method>, [<arguments>], <default value>] :rtype: dict """ muni_cb_dict = { self.muni_cb: [ db.get_muni_list, [, self._cntry_code, self._cnty], self.all_str]} return muni_cb_dict @property def _event_cb_dict(self): """ Returns a combo box dictionary for all event combo boxes. :returns: | A combo box dictionary for all event combo boxes: | - key - <combo box name> | - value - [<fill method>, [<arguments>], <default value>] :rtype: dict """ event_cb_dict = { self.smpp_cb: [ db.get_smpp_list, [], self.sel_str], self.smpsu_cb: [ db.get_smpsu_list, [], self.mty_str], self.relia_cb: [ db.get_reliab_list, [], self.mty_str]} return event_cb_dict @property def _ectp_cb_dict(self): """ Returns an ecotype combo box dictionary. :returns: | An ecotype combo box dictionary: | - key - <combo box name> | - value - [<fill method>, [<arguments>], <default value>] :rtype: dict """ ectp_cb_dict = { self.ectp_cb: [ db.get_ectp_list, [, self._txn], self.mty_str]} return ectp_cb_dict @property def _mtdt_cb_dict(self): """ Returns a metadata combo box dictionary. :returns: A metadata combo box dictionary. | A metadata combo box dictionary: | - key - <combo box name> | - value - [<fill method>, [<arguments>], <default value>] :rtype: dict """ mtdt_cb_dict = self._get_mrgd_dict( self._dtst_cb_dict, self._prj_cb_dict, self._ref_cb_dict) return mtdt_cb_dict @property def _dtst_cb_dict(self): """ Returns a dataset combo box dictionary. :returns: | A dataset combo box dictionary: | - key - <combo box name> | - value - [<fill method>, [<arguments>], <default value>] :rtype: dict """ dtst_cb_dict = { self.dtst_cb: [ db.get_dtst_list, [], self.sel_str]} return dtst_cb_dict @property def _prj_cb_dict(self): """ Returns a project combo box dictionary. :returns: | A project combo box dictionary: | - key - <combo box name> | - value - [<fill method>, [<arguments>], <default value>] :rtype: dict """ prj_cb_dict = { self.prj_cb: [ db.get_prj_list, [], self.sel_str]} return prj_cb_dict @property def _ref_cb_dict(self): """ Returns a reference combo box dictionary. :returns: | A reference combo box dictionary: | - key - <combo box name> | - value - [<fill method>, [<arguments>], <default value>] :rtype: dict """ ref_cb_dict = { self.ref_cb: [ db.get_ref_list, [], self.sel_str]} return ref_cb_dict @property def _loc_edit_met_cb_dict(self): """ Returns a location edit method combo box dictionary. :returns: | A location edit method combo box dictionary: | - key - <combo box name> | - value - [<fill method>, [<arguments>], <default value>] :rtype: dict """ loc_edit_met_cb_dict = { self.loc_edit_met_cb: [ self._get_loc_met_list, [], self.loc_met_list[2]]} return loc_edit_met_cb_dict @property def _loc_manual_met_cb_dict(self): """ Returns a location manual method combo box dictionary. :returns: | A location manual method combo box dictionary: | - key - <combo box name> | - value - [<fill method>, [<arguments>], <default value>] :rtype: dict """ loc_manual_met_cb_dict = { self.loc_manual_met_cb: [ self._get_loc_met_list, [], self.loc_met_list[2]]} return loc_manual_met_cb_dict @property def _occ_mand_cb_dict(self): """ Returns an occurrence mandatory combo box dictionary. :returns: | An occurrence mandatory combo box dictionary: | - key - <combo box name> | - value - [<fill method>, [<arguments>], <default value>] :rtype: dict """ occ_mand_cb_dict = { self.txn_cb: [ db.get_txn_list, [], self.sel_str], self.occstat_cb: [ db.get_occstat_list, [], db.get_col_def_val(, 'nofa', 'occurrence', 'occurrenceStatus').split("'")[1]], self.estm_cb: [ db.get_estbms_list, [], db.get_col_def_val(, 'nofa', 'occurrence', 'establishmentMeans').split("'")[1]]} return occ_mand_cb_dict def _pop_txncvg_tw(self): """ Populates the taxon coverage tree widget. """ self.txncvg_tw.clear() fam_dict = db.get_fam_dict( root_item = QTreeWidgetItem(self.txncvg_tw, ["All"]) root_item.setCheckState(0, Qt.Unchecked) root_item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled) for fam in fam_dict.keys(): family_item = QTreeWidgetItem(root_item, [fam]) family_item.setCheckState(0, Qt.Unchecked) family_item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled) for txn in fam_dict[fam]: txn_item = QTreeWidgetItem(family_item, [txn]) txn_item.setCheckState(0, Qt.Unchecked) txn_item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.txncvg_tw.sortByColumn(0, Qt.AscendingOrder) self.txncvg_tw.expandToDepth(0) def _get_dtst_id(self): """ Returns a dataset ID from the dataset combo box. :returns: A dataset ID. :rtype: str """ dtst_str = self.dtst_cb.currentText() id, name = db.split_dtst_str(dtst_str) return id def _get_prj_id(self): """ Returns a project ID based on name and organization. :returns: A project ID. :rtype: str """ prj_str = self.prj_cb.currentText() prj_name, prj_org = db.split_prj_str(prj_str) prj_id = db.get_prj_id(, prj_name, prj_org) return prj_id def _get_ref_id(self): """ Returns a reference ID from the reference combo box. :returns: A reference ID. :rtype: str """ ref_str = self.ref_cb.currentText() if self._get_val_txt(ref_str): au, ttl, yr, id = db.split_ref_str(ref_str) else: id = None return id def _get_srs_desc_list(self): """ Returns a list of SRS descriptions. :returns: A list of SRS descriptions. :rtype: list """ srs_desc_list = self.crs_dict.keys() return srs_desc_list def _get_loc_met_list(self): """ Returns a list of methods. :returns: A list of methods. :rtype: list """ met_list = self.loc_met_list return met_list def _get_opt_list(self): """ Returns a list of options. :returns: A list of options. :rtype: list """ opt_list = self.opt_list return opt_list def _create_tbl_main_tab(self, tbl, tbl_hdrs, tbl_wdgs, met): """ Creates a table with one row. This method is used for creating tables in the main tab. :param tbl: A table. :type tbl: QTableWidget :param tbl_hdrs: Table headers. :type tbl_hdrs: list :param tbl_wdgs: Table widgets. :type tbl_wdgs: list :param met: A method for updating table. :type met: function """ tbl.itemChanged.connect(tbl.resizeColumnsToContents) tbl.setColumnCount(len(tbl_hdrs)) tbl.setSelectionBehavior(QTableWidget.SelectRows) tbl.setSelectionMode(QTableWidget.SingleSelection) tbl.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) tbl.setSortingEnabled(True) tbl.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(tbl_hdrs) tbl.setRowCount(1) m = 0 tbl.selectRow(m) for n, tbl_hdr in enumerate(tbl_hdrs): tbl_item = QTableWidgetItem() tbl_item.setData(Qt.EditRole, None) tbl.setItem(m, n, tbl_item) self._con_wdgs_sgnls_to_met(tbl_wdgs, met) def _con_wdgs_sgnls_to_met(self, wdgs, met): """ Connects signals of the given widgets to the given method. - *QLineEdit* - textChanged - *QComboBox* - currentIndexChanged - *QDateEdit* - dateChanged :param wdgs: Widgets. :type wdgs: list :param met: A method. :type met: function """ for wdg in wdgs: if isinstance(wdg, QLineEdit): wdg.textChanged.connect(met) elif isinstance(wdg, QComboBox): wdg.currentIndexChanged.connect(met) elif isinstance(wdg, QDateEdit): wdg.dateChanged.connect(met) def _emit_wdgs_sgnls(self, tbl_wdgs): """ Emits signals of the given widgets. - *QLineEdit* - textChanged - *QComboBox* - currentIndexChanged - *QDateEdit* - dateChanged :param tbl_wdgs: Widgets. :type tbl_wdgs: list """ for wdg in tbl_wdgs: if isinstance(wdg, QLineEdit): wdg.textChanged.emit(wdg.text()) elif isinstance(wdg, QComboBox): wdg.currentIndexChanged.emit(wdg.currentIndex()) elif isinstance(wdg, QDateEdit): wdg.dateChanged.emit( def _upd_loc_tbl_row(self, idx): """ Adjusts the current location table row according to the current location method. Also sets index of location method stacked widget. :param idx: A current index of location edit method combo box. :type idx: int """ self.loc_edit_met_swdg.setCurrentIndex(idx) tbl = self.loc_tbl m = tbl.currentRow() # skip first column for n in range(1, tbl.columnCount()): tbl.item(m, n).setData(Qt.EditRole, None) cur_loc_edit_tbl_wdgs = self._cur_loc_edit_tbl_wdgs self._rst_wdgs(cur_loc_edit_tbl_wdgs) self._emit_wdgs_sgnls(cur_loc_edit_tbl_wdgs) def _create_tbl_hist_tab(self, tbl, tbl_list, tbl_hdrs): """ Creates a table with one row. This method is used for creating tables in the history tab. :param tbl: A table. :type tbl: QTableWidget :param tbl_list: Table list. :type tbl_list: list :param tbl_hdrs: Table headers. :type tbl_hdrs: list """ tbl.setColumnCount(len(tbl_hdrs)) tbl.setSelectionBehavior(QTableWidget.SelectItems) tbl.setSelectionMode(QTableWidget.ExtendedSelection) tbl.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) tbl.setSortingEnabled(True) tbl.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(tbl_hdrs) tbl.setRowCount(len(tbl_list)) for m, row in enumerate(tbl_list): for n, item in enumerate(row): if isinstance(item, datetime.datetime): item = QDateTime(item) elif isinstance(item, uuid.UUID): item = str(item) tbl_item = QTableWidgetItem() tbl_item.setData(Qt.EditRole, item) tbl.setItem(m, n, tbl_item) tbl.resizeColumnsToContents() def _add_tbl_mty_row_items(self, tbl, tbl_hdrs, m): """ Adds a row at the given position of a table with empty items. :param tbl: A table. :type tbl: QTableWidget :param tbl_hdrs: Table headers. :type tbl_hdrs: list :param m: A row number. :type m: int """ for n, tbl_hdr in enumerate(tbl_hdrs): tbl_item = QTableWidgetItem() tbl_item.setData(Qt.EditRole, None) tbl.setItem(m, n, tbl_item) def _upd_loc_tbl_item(self): """ Updates the corresponding item in the location table's current row with the values in the sender widget. """ self._upd_tbl_item(self.loc_tbl, self.loc_tbl_wdg_hdr_dict.keys()) def _upd_occ_tbl_item(self): """ Updates the corresponding item in the occurrence table's current row with the values in the sender widget. """ self._upd_tbl_item(self.occ_tbl, self.occ_tbl_wdg_hdr_dict.keys()) def _upd_tbl_item(self, tbl, tbl_wdgs): """ Updates the corresponding item in the table's current row with the values in the sender widget. :param tbl: A table. :type tbl: QTableWidget :param tbl_wdgs: A list of table widgets. :type tbl_wdgs: list """ sndr = self.sender() wdg_data = self.get_wdg_list([sndr], False, True)[0] m = tbl.currentRow() n = tbl_wdgs.index(sndr) tbl_item = tbl.item(m, n) tbl_item.setData(Qt.EditRole, wdg_data) tbl.blockSignals(True) tbl.selectRow(tbl_item.row()) tbl.blockSignals(False) tbl.resizeColumnsToContents() def _sel_row_up(self): """ Select one row up in a table. """ tbl = self._get_tbl() m = tbl.currentRow() if m > 0: tbl.selectRow(m - 1) def _sel_row_dwn(self): """ Select one row down in a table. """ tbl = self._get_tbl() m = tbl.currentRow() if m < (tbl.rowCount() - 1): tbl.selectRow(m + 1) def _upd_loc_tbl_wdgs(self): """ Updates the location table widgets according to the selected location table row. """ tbl = self.loc_tbl m = tbl.currentRow() loc_met = tbl.item(m, 0).data(Qt.EditRole) self.loc_edit_met_cb.blockSignals(True) idx = self.loc_edit_met_cb.findText(loc_met) self.loc_edit_met_cb.setCurrentIndex(idx) self.loc_edit_met_swdg.setCurrentIndex(idx) self.loc_edit_met_cb.blockSignals(False) for wdg in self._cur_loc_edit_tbl_wdgs: n = self.loc_tbl_wdg_hdr_dict.keys().index(wdg) wdg_data = tbl.item(m, n).data(Qt.EditRole) self._set_wdg_data(wdg, wdg_data) def _upd_occ_tbl_wdgs(self): """ Updates the occurrence table widgets according to the selected occurrence table row. """ tbl = self.occ_tbl m = tbl.currentRow() occ_row_list = self._get_occ_row_list(m, True) for n, wdg in enumerate(self.occ_tbl_wdg_hdr_dict.keys()): wdg_data = occ_row_list[n] self._set_wdg_data(wdg, wdg_data) def _set_wdg_data(self, wdg, wdg_data): """ Sets widget's data. :param wdg: A Widget. :type wdg: QWidget :param wdg_data: A widget data. :type wdg_data: QVariant """ if isinstance(wdg, QLineEdit): if wdg_data: if isinstance(wdg_data, float): if wdg_data.is_integer(): wdg_data = int(wdg_data) wdg.setText(str(wdg_data)) else: wdg.clear() elif isinstance(wdg, QComboBox): wdg.setCurrentIndex(wdg.findText(wdg_data)) elif isinstance(wdg, QDateEdit): if wdg_data: wdg.setDate(wdg_data) else: wdg.setDate(wdg.minimumDateTime().date()) def _add_tbl_row(self): """ Adds a table row. """ tbl = self._get_tbl() tbl_hdrs = self._get_tbl_hdrs() tbl.setSortingEnabled(False) m = tbl.currentRow() + 1 tbl.insertRow(m) tbl.blockSignals(True) tbl.selectRow(m) tbl.blockSignals(False) self._add_tbl_mty_row_items(tbl, tbl_hdrs, m) self._rst_tbl_row() tbl.setSortingEnabled(True) def _del_tbl_row(self): """ Delete a row from a table. """ tbl = self._get_tbl() m = tbl.currentRow() if tbl.rowCount() > 1: tbl.removeRow(m) def _rst_tbl_row(self): """ Resets a current table row. """ self._rst_cb_by_cb_dict(self._get_tbl_mand_cb_dict()) tbl_wdgs = self._get_tbl_wdgs() self._rst_wdgs(tbl_wdgs) nofa_cb_dict = self._nofa_cb_dict for wdg in tbl_wdgs: if wdg in nofa_cb_dict.keys(): self._rst_cb_by_cb_dict({wdg: nofa_cb_dict[wdg]}) self._emit_wdgs_sgnls(tbl_wdgs) def _rst_all_tbl_rows(self): """ Resets all table rows. """ tbl = self._get_tbl() curr_item = tbl.currentItem() for m in range(tbl.rowCount()): tbl.setCurrentCell(m, 0) self._rst_tbl_row() tbl.selectRow(curr_item.row()) def _del_all_tbl_rows(self, tbl): """ Deletes all table rows except the currently selected one. :param tbl: A table. :type tbl: QTableWidget """ tbl = self._get_tbl() orig_m = tbl.currentRow() for m in range(tbl.rowCount(), -1, -1): if m != orig_m: tbl.removeRow(m) def _get_row_data(self, tbl, m): """ Returns data from the given table in the given row. :param tbl: A table. :type tbl: QTableWidget :param m: A row number. :type m: int :returns: Data from the given table in the given row. :rtype: list """ row_data = [] for n in range(tbl.columnCount()): row_item = tbl.item(m, n).data(Qt.EditRole) row_data.append(row_item) return row_data def _set_loc_tbl_row(self, row_data): """ Sets data to the current row in the location table. New row is added if the current row is not empty. :param row_data: A data to be written. It has to have the same length as number of columns in the table. :type row_data: list """ tbl = self.loc_tbl curr_row_data = self._get_row_data(tbl, tbl.currentRow()) if any(item is not None for item in curr_row_data[1:]): m = tbl.currentRow() for n in range(tbl.columnCount()): tbl.item(m, n).setData(Qt.EditRole, row_data[n]) def _get_tbl(self): """ Returns a table the sender works with. :returns: A table the sender works with. :rtype: QTableWidget """ if self.sender().objectName().startswith(u'occ_'): return self.occ_tbl else: return self.loc_tbl def _get_tbl_hdrs(self): """ Returns a table headers the sender works with. :returns: A table headers the sender works with. :rtype: list """ if self.sender().objectName().startswith(u'occ_'): return self.occ_tbl_wdg_hdr_dict.values() else: return self.loc_tbl_wdg_hdr_dict.values() def _get_tbl_wdgs(self): """ Returns a table widgets the sender works with. :returns: A table widgets the sender works with. :rtype: list """ if self.sender().objectName().startswith(u'occ_'): return self.occ_tbl_wdg_hdr_dict.keys() else: return self._cur_loc_edit_tbl_wdgs @property def _cur_loc_edit_tbl_wdgs(self): """ Returns a list of current location edit table widgets. :returns: A list of current location table widgets. :rtype: list """ cur_loc_edit_tbl_wdgs = self.loc_edit_met_swdg.currentWidget()\ .findChildren((QLineEdit, QPlainTextEdit, QComboBox, QDateEdit)) return cur_loc_edit_tbl_wdgs @property def _cur_loc_manual_tbl_wdgs(self): """ Returns a list of current location manual table widgets. :returns: A list of current location table widgets. :rtype: list """ cur_loc_manual_tbl_wdgs = self.loc_manual_swdg.currentWidget()\ .findChildren((QLineEdit, QPlainTextEdit, QComboBox, QDateEdit)) return cur_loc_manual_tbl_wdgs def _get_tbl_mand_cb_dict(self): """ Returns a table mandatory combo box dictionary the sender works with. :returns: A table mandatory combo box dictionary the sender works with. :rtype: dict """ if self.sender().objectName().startswith(u'occ_'): return self._occ_mand_cb_dict else: return self._loc_edit_met_cb_dict