Maps module

Maps module provides a REST backend for displaying static maps, it implements the Maplibre spec and provides REST endpoints to:

  • Get a portal
  • List maps in a portal
  • Get a map metadata
  • Get a map style


A swagger endpoint is available at /api/docs, it provides a whole documentation of the data structures returned by the backend


  • Portal, is a set of maps, it represents a frontend implementing that specific portal
  • Map, represents a singular Map entity, it's a set of layers sorted in a specific order with some styling. See: see: Maplibre Root Spec
  • Group, represents a group of Layers, it is used as a building-block to create a hierarchical legend
  • Layer, represents a single layer that will be shown in a map, see: Maplibre Layer Spec
  • Source, represents the source dataset itself, for example a WMS remote service or a geojson endpoint. See: Maplibre Sources Spec

Entity Relationships

Layerid BigAutoFieldname CharFieldslug SlugFieldmap ForeignKeysource ForeignKeysource_layer CharFieldstyle JSONFieldmap_order IntegerField"group" ForeignKeygroup_order IntegerFieldLayerGroupid BigAutoFieldname CharFieldorder IntegerFieldmap ForeignKeydownload_url URLFieldMapid BigAutoFieldtitle CharFieldslug SlugFieldsubtitle CharFielddescription TextFieldzoom IntegerFieldextra JSONFieldowner ForeignKeyvisibility CharFieldPortalid BigAutoFielduuid UUIDFieldtitle CharFieldvisibility CharFieldowner ForeignKeyextra JSONFieldPortalMapid BigAutoFieldmap ForeignKeyportal ForeignKeyorder IntegerFieldextra JSONFieldRasterSourceid BigAutoFieldname CharFieldslug SlugFieldextra JSONFieldowner ForeignKeystyle JSONFieldsource FileFieldoriginal_data FileFieldprotocol CharFieldurl URLFieldattribution CharFieldSourceid BigAutoFieldname CharFieldslug SlugFieldextra JSONFieldowner ForeignKeystyle JSONFieldVectorSourceid BigAutoFieldname CharFieldslug SlugFieldextra JSONFieldowner ForeignKeystyle JSONFieldsource FileFieldoriginal_data FileFieldprotocol CharFieldurl URLFieldattribution CharFielddefault_layer CharField

Data Sources


Vector data sources can be uploaded as PMTiles, a spatial file format that allows to serve Cloud Optimized vectors as single files that are dynamically fetched by the browser using Http Range requests. See PMTiles Docs for more info about them.

NOTE: the frontend map should add pmtiles protocol

PMTiles files must be pre-processed before uploading to the maps module. Along with the PMTiles it's possible to upload also the original dataset in a different file format. This will be used when user ask for download, while PMTiles is used to display the dataset.


Raster data sources can be uploaded as Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF(COG), a spatial file format that allows to serve Cloud Optimized tiff as single files that are dynamically fetched by the browser using Http Range requests. See COG Docs for more info about them.

NOTE: the frontend map should add cog protocol

COG files must be pre-processed before uploading to the maps module. Along with the COG it's possible to upload also the original dataset in a different file format. This will be used when user ask for download, while COG is used to display the dataset.


a list of portals that use the map module: