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oneimpact provides tools for the assessment of cumulative impacts of multiple infrastructure and land use modifications in ecological studies. This includes tools to calculate the zone of influence (ZOI) of anthropogenic variables as well as tools for model fitting, estimation of the effect size and ZOI, and ancillary functions. The functions dealing with spatial data processing can be run in both R and GRASS GIS, using R as an interface. The tools available so far are:

Compute spatial layers representing zones of influence

The first set of functions in oneimpact are aimed at computing the (potential) ZOI of infrastructure or other spatial covariates. This means we use spatial information on where they are located to compute the density of features in space (i.e. the cumulative ZOI) and/or the (decay) distance to the nearest feature (i.e. the ZOI of the nearest), given an expected ZOI radius (i.e. the distance up to which a given feature is expected to affect a certain species or process). These functions do not estimate the ZOI, though (which is context and process dependent); for that see more functions further down.

Here are the main functions in oneimpact to compute spatial layers representing zones of influence.

Zone of influence (ZOI) decay functions

Compute zones of influence (ZOI)

  • calc_zoi_nearest(): Calculate the zone of influence from the nearest infrastructure, according to multiple possible decay functions and zones of influence radii.
  • calc_zoi_cumulative(): Calculate the cumulative zone of influence of multiple features, according to multiple possible decay functions and zones of influence radii.
  • calc_zoi(): Calculate both the the ZOI of the nearest infrastructure and the cumulative ZOI, at multiple scales or zones of influence radii.

Spatial filters

  • create_filter(): Create filters or weight matrices for neighborhood analysis, according to different decay functions and parameterized using the zone of influence radius.
  • save_filter(): Saves filters/weight matrices outside R for use within GRASS GIS modules.

Estimate the cumulative impact and the ZOI of features on a certain species or process

The oneimpact package also allows us to, given a set of potential candidate ZOIs (with possibly different types, shapes, and radii; computed with the functions above), estimate the actual effect and ZOI of the variables on a certain species or process. This is done combining three elements:

  • Bootstrap aggregation (bagging), a multi-model bootstrap procedure that allows us to estimate the uncertainty in the effect sizes and ZOI radii;
  • Penalized regression, an approach that allows us to penalize estimated coefficients and possibly remove the least likely covariates from a model, i.e., it allows us to perform model fitting together with variable section;
  • Nested cross-validation, which allows is to consider hierarchical, spatial, or temporally cross-validation schemes in model and variable/feature selection.

Estimating ZOI - set up analysis

Functions to set up RSF and SSF analyses using ZOI variables:

Estimating ZOI - fit models

Functions to fit RSF and SSF and estimate ZOI using penalized regression

Estimating ZOI - interpret and visualize models

Functions to help interpreting parameters and visualizing cumulative impacts from bags of fitted models:


To install the development version of the oneimpact R package, please use:

devtools::install_github("NINAnor/oneimpact", ref = "HEAD")

Run with Docker

docker run --rm -p 8787:8787 -e PASSWORD=rstudio -v $PWD/myproject:/home/rstudio/myproject

If you use Compose:

docker compose run rstudio

You can customize docker-compose.yml based on your needs.

See also

For model fitting nad estimation of ZOI, see the pacakage glmnet, which is the backbone of the modeling approach used in oneimpact. For other similar approaches, check the maxnet() for MaxEnt species distribution models using glmnet.

The oneimpact functions to compute the ZOI layers are greatly based on neighborhood analyses made through the terra package in R and on three GRASS GIS modules: r.mfilter, r.resamp.filter, and r.neighbors. The connection between R and GRASS GIS is made through the rgrass7 R package.


  • Please report any issues or bugs.
  • License: GPL3
  • Get citation information for oneimpact in R running citation(package = 'oneimpact'), or check the reference here.
  • Contributions are mostly welcome!