Installation Manual | urban-tree-detection

GitHub Repository: urban-tree-detection


The code runs in an ArcGIS Pro 3.1.0. conda environment and depends on 3D analyst, image analyst, spatial analyst licenses.

Here are the steps to create a conda env compatible with ArcGIS Pro 3.0.1 and to install the local project package urban-treeDetection:

  1. Create a new conda environment with the necessary dependencies described in environment.yml

  • Open the Anaconda Prompt and run the following commands:

      cd /d P:\%project_folder%\urban-tree-detection
      cd ...\urban-tree-detection
      conda env create -f environment.yml
      conda activate urban-tree-detection
  • OR clone your ArcGIS Pro 3.0.1 base env and manually install the dependencies listed in requirements.txt using conda or pip. ArcGIS Pro | Clone an environment

  1. Install the urban-tree-detection (urban-tree-detection/src) as a local package using pip:

     pip install -e .
     # installs project packages in development mode 
     # this creates a folder urban-tree-detection.egg-info
  2. In case you run into errors remove your conda env and reinstall

     conda remove --name myenv --all
     # verify name is deleted from list
     conda info --envs
  3. (Optional) Install linters using pipx

        # install linters using make
        make install-global
        # test linters
        make codestyle

    note: As pre-commit unfortunately gives acces-denied errors on Windows OS, I would recommend to run make codestyle command before you commit your changes. This command runs black, isort and ruff on all files.


This project uses a .env and a config.yaml file to store configuration variables. The module and provides functions to read and write these files.

Run src/test/ to test the configuration and logger.


    # R GeoSpatialData

    # Trekroner project 