Map tree visibility statistics per district

colab github

Author: Willeke A’Campo

Description: This notebooks shows the results for the tree visibility analysis for the trekroner municipalities: Bodø, Bærum, Kristiansand and Oslo.


Map the indicators for the 3-30-300-rule

[ ]:
import os
import leafmap
import pandas as pd
[ ]:

# TODO move municipality = "kristiansand" src_crs = "EPSG:25832" reporting_dir = r"/workspaces/urban-climate/data/08_reporting/" input_file = os.path.join(reporting_dir,f"{municipality}_district_treeVis_stat.parquet" ) # add layers to gdf for mapping gdf_mapping = leafmap.read_parquet( input_file, return_type='gdf', src_crs= src_crs , dst_crs="EPSG:4326" ) # Calculate the center of the study_area GeoDataFrame center = gdf_mapping.geometry.unary_union.centroid display(gdf_mapping[[ "kommunenavn","grunnkretsnummer", "grunnkretsnavn", "n_trees", "n_bldg", "n_res_bldg", "n_trees_near_rbldg","perc_near_rbldg","labels_near_rbldg", "a_crown", "perc_crown", "labels_perc_crown", "n_res_bldg_near_gs","perc_near_gs", "labels_near_gs", "a_open_space", "a_private_space", "a_public_space" ]])
kommunenavn grunnkretsnummer grunnkretsnavn n_trees n_bldg n_res_bldg n_trees_near_rbldg perc_near_rbldg labels_near_rbldg a_crown perc_crown labels_perc_crown n_res_bldg_near_gs perc_near_gs labels_near_gs a_open_space a_private_space a_public_space
0 Kristiansand 42040701 Grim - Dueknipen 298 204 87 88 30 25-50% 24228.22 15.40 0-25% 61 70.0 50-75% 104499.24 32663.19 71273.56
1 Kristiansand 42040702 Grimsmyra 632 609 310 509 81 75-100% 39153.62 15.43 0-25% 286 92.0 75-100% 161599.53 83491.13 75987.51
2 Kristiansand 42040704 Møllevannet - Klappane 154 82 40 70 45 25-50% 9176.21 13.43 0-25% 40 100.0 75-100% 47883.75 16124.35 31553.15
3 Kristiansand 42040705 Enrum - Paradis 433 190 78 141 33 25-50% 35490.59 32.06 25-50% 77 99.0 75-100% 58644.02 27538.81 30578.40
4 Kristiansand 42040801 Kvadraturen Sørvest 440 307 72 108 25 0-25% 25854.21 5.59 0-25% 0 0.0 0-25% 205287.23 52343.63 153860.23
5 Kristiansand 42040802 Kvadraturen Nordvest 439 416 104 108 25 0-25% 31861.02 9.60 0-25% 0 0.0 0-25% 194937.12 47966.65 147339.89
6 Kristiansand 42040803 Kvadraturen Sørøst 432 375 170 165 38 25-50% 26190.16 4.59 0-25% 13 8.0 0-25% 190027.25 57009.83 132599.47
7 Kristiansand 42040804 Kvadraturen Nordøst 216 695 382 163 75 50-75% 9775.37 3.26 0-25% 54 14.0 0-25% 145466.62 60967.31 84394.45
8 Kristiansand 42040806 Eg 366 86 32 158 43 25-50% 23503.05 24.93 0-25% 32 100.0 75-100% 59291.48 16598.72 42233.00
9 Kristiansand 42040807 Sykehuset 1291 99 1 11 1 0-25% 96850.88 24.05 0-25% 1 100.0 75-100% 257912.45 159733.95 97249.30
10 Kristiansand 42040901 Galgeberg 333 285 129 173 52 50-75% 15768.14 6.06 0-25% 129 100.0 75-100% 118018.59 45730.00 71898.16
11 Kristiansand 42040902 Hamreheia 481 564 250 415 86 75-100% 23997.30 8.18 0-25% 248 99.0 75-100% 173022.23 90216.37 81218.94
12 Kristiansand 42040903 Kuholmen 332 395 160 228 69 50-75% 16465.98 5.34 0-25% 160 100.0 75-100% 188112.45 64551.17 122261.60
13 Kristiansand 42040904 Valhalla Sør 128 241 124 120 94 75-100% 4095.61 4.88 0-25% 114 92.0 75-100% 62455.76 34136.45 27904.97
14 Kristiansand 42040905 Valhalla Midt 276 499 261 242 88 75-100% 12991.49 7.35 0-25% 82 31.0 25-50% 124027.37 64567.89 58371.44
15 Kristiansand 42040907 Valhalla Nord - Kongsgård 439 303 155 328 75 50-75% 25669.20 12.04 0-25% 155 100.0 75-100% 148043.27 68896.92 77977.48
16 Kristiansand 42040908 Solbygg 122 98 50 63 52 50-75% 6955.10 6.78 0-25% 50 100.0 75-100% 73094.88 29007.49 43483.53
17 Kristiansand 42040909 Kjempegravane 47 132 61 45 96 75-100% 2604.27 5.22 0-25% 61 100.0 75-100% 34834.33 18410.68 15887.13
18 Kristiansand 42040910 Tobienborg 381 302 148 164 43 25-50% 23394.14 12.40 0-25% 148 100.0 75-100% 131510.67 50772.92 79382.28
19 Kristiansand 42040911 Nedre Lund 402 526 187 304 76 75-100% 21780.21 6.46 0-25% 177 95.0 75-100% 205347.41 89383.95 114498.01
20 Kristiansand 42040912 Oddemarka 118 108 31 65 55 50-75% 7577.51 10.27 0-25% 31 100.0 75-100% 54084.15 21627.48 32029.34
21 Kristiansand 42040913 Flaten 103 162 80 90 87 75-100% 5368.99 8.09 0-25% 80 100.0 75-100% 45788.73 23253.30 22286.44
22 Kristiansand 42040915 Gimlemoen - Jegersberg 580 40 1 5 1 0-25% 45532.23 21.19 0-25% 1 100.0 75-100% 145747.75 31836.04 113747.86
23 Kristiansand 42040918 Gimlevang 34 42 19 18 53 50-75% 1886.51 4.09 0-25% 19 100.0 75-100% 28194.61 10814.88 17202.92
24 Kristiansand 42040919 Gimle 1175 21 2 18 2 0-25% 89392.76 48.56 25-50% 2 100.0 75-100% 87002.41 15415.42 71380.45
25 Kristiansand 42040920 Marviksletta 48 6 0 0 0 0-25% 3426.57 18.12 0-25% 0 NaN no data 12271.83 6491.21 5721.18
26 Kristiansand 42040921 Lund Industriområde 40 9 0 0 0 0-25% 2207.87 8.89 0-25% 0 NaN no data 16471.13 11996.89 4519.13
27 Kristiansand 42041101 Nedre Kongsgård 1008 390 29 55 5 0-25% 57912.16 18.42 0-25% 29 100.0 75-100% 218743.47 87159.60 130853.74
28 Kristiansand 42041102 Kongsgard 1 - Vige 166 9 0 0 0 0-25% 11158.61 49.82 25-50% 0 NaN no data 9656.72 4293.83 5215.83
29 Kristiansand 42041103 Bjørndalsheia 129 38 12 43 33 25-50% 8886.66 17.37 0-25% 12 100.0 75-100% 40086.45 5665.55 34368.30
30 Kristiansand 42041104 Vestre Bjørndalen 36 20 2 4 11 0-25% 1164.64 2.24 0-25% 2 100.0 75-100% 45113.70 11336.80 33673.90

Rule 3 | all residents should be able to see at least 3 trees from their home.

[ ]:
m = leafmap.Map()
m.set_center(center.x, center.y, zoom=13)
    gdf_mapping, column='perc_near_rbldg', scheme='Quantiles', cmap='Greens', legend_title='Number of Trees near Residential Buildings'
ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/leafmap/ in ?(data, column, cmap, colors, labels, scheme, k, legend_kwds, classification_kwds)
   4949         import mapclassify
   4950     except ImportError:
-> 4951         raise ImportError(
   4952             "mapclassify is required for this function. Install with `pip install mapclassify`."

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mapclassify'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_591/ in ?()
      1 m = leafmap.Map()
      2 m.set_center(center.x, center.y, zoom=13)
      3 m.add_basemap("CartoDB.Positron")
----> 4 m.add_data(
      5     gdf_mapping, column='perc_near_rbldg', scheme='Quantiles', cmap='Greens', legend_title='Number of Trees near Residential Buildings'
      6 )
      7 m

/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/leafmap/ in ?(self, data, column, colors, labels, cmap, scheme, k, add_legend, legend_title, legend_position, legend_kwds, classification_kwds, layer_name, style, hover_style, style_callback, info_mode, encoding, **kwargs)
   3839             **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the GeoJSON class, such as fields, which can be a list of column names to be included in the popup.
   3841         """
-> 3843         gdf, legend_dict = classify(
   3844             data=data,
   3845             column=column,
   3846             cmap=cmap,

/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/leafmap/ in ?(data, column, cmap, colors, labels, scheme, k, legend_kwds, classification_kwds)
   4948     try:
   4949         import mapclassify
   4950     except ImportError:
-> 4951         raise ImportError(
   4952             "mapclassify is required for this function. Install with `pip install mapclassify`."
   4953         )

ImportError: mapclassify is required for this function. Install with `pip install mapclassify`.

Rule 30: all neighbourhoods should have 30% tree canopy cover.

[ ]:
m = leafmap.Map()
m.set_center(center.x, center.y, zoom=13)
    gdf_mapping, column='perc_crown', scheme='Quantiles', cmap='Greens', legend_title='Crown Area (%)'

Rule 300: all residents should be able to access a green area within 300 m from their home.

[ ]:
gdf_mapping_gs = gdf_mapping.dropna(subset=['n_res_bldg_near_gs_norm'])
m = leafmap.Map()
m.set_center(center.x, center.y, zoom=13)
    gdf_mapping_gs, column='perc_near_gs', scheme='Quantiles', cmap='Greens', legend_title='Number of Residential Buildings near green spaces'


[ ]:

#gdf_mapping_gs = gdf_mapping.dropna(subset=['n_res_bldg_near_gs_norm']) gdf_mapping_gs = gdf_mapping # Define the bins bins = pd.IntervalIndex.from_tuples([(-0.01, 25), (25, 50), (50, 75), (75, 100)]) # Create a new column 'categories' based on these bins gdf_mapping_gs['bins'] = pd.cut(gdf_mapping_gs['n_res_bldg_near_gs_norm'], bins) gdf_mapping_gs['bins'] = gdf_mapping_gs['bins'].astype(str) # Define a color mapping for categories labels = ["no residential buildings", "0-25%", "25-50%", "50-75%", "75-100%"] color_dict = {"nan":"no residential buildings", "(-0.01, 25.0]": "0-25%", "(25.0, 50.0]": "25-50%", "(50.0, 75.0]": "50-75%", "(75.0, 100.0]": "75-100%"} # Apply the color mapping to the 'color' column gdf_mapping_gs['labels'] = gdf_mapping_gs['bins'].map(color_dict) # Display the DataFrame display(gdf_mapping_gs[[ "kommunenavn","grunnkretsnummer", "grunnkretsnavn", "n_bldg", "n_res_bldg", "n_res_bldg_near_gs", "n_res_bldg_near_gs_norm", "bins", "labels" ]])
kommunenavn grunnkretsnummer grunnkretsnavn n_bldg n_res_bldg n_res_bldg_near_gs n_res_bldg_near_gs_norm bins labels
0 Kristiansand 42040701 Grim - Dueknipen 204 87 61 70.0 (50.0, 75.0] 50-75%
1 Kristiansand 42040702 Grimsmyra 609 310 286 92.0 (75.0, 100.0] 75-100%
2 Kristiansand 42040704 Møllevannet - Klappane 82 40 40 100.0 (75.0, 100.0] 75-100%
3 Kristiansand 42040705 Enrum - Paradis 190 78 77 99.0 (75.0, 100.0] 75-100%
4 Kristiansand 42040801 Kvadraturen Sørvest 307 72 0 0.0 (-0.01, 25.0] 0-25%
5 Kristiansand 42040802 Kvadraturen Nordvest 416 104 0 0.0 (-0.01, 25.0] 0-25%
6 Kristiansand 42040803 Kvadraturen Sørøst 375 170 13 8.0 (-0.01, 25.0] 0-25%
7 Kristiansand 42040804 Kvadraturen Nordøst 695 382 54 14.0 (-0.01, 25.0] 0-25%
8 Kristiansand 42040806 Eg 86 32 32 100.0 (75.0, 100.0] 75-100%
9 Kristiansand 42040807 Sykehuset 99 1 1 100.0 (75.0, 100.0] 75-100%
10 Kristiansand 42040901 Galgeberg 285 129 129 100.0 (75.0, 100.0] 75-100%
11 Kristiansand 42040902 Hamreheia 564 250 248 99.0 (75.0, 100.0] 75-100%
12 Kristiansand 42040903 Kuholmen 395 160 160 100.0 (75.0, 100.0] 75-100%
13 Kristiansand 42040904 Valhalla Sør 241 124 114 92.0 (75.0, 100.0] 75-100%
14 Kristiansand 42040905 Valhalla Midt 499 261 82 31.0 (25.0, 50.0] 25-50%
15 Kristiansand 42040907 Valhalla Nord - Kongsgård 303 155 155 100.0 (75.0, 100.0] 75-100%
16 Kristiansand 42040908 Solbygg 98 50 50 100.0 (75.0, 100.0] 75-100%
17 Kristiansand 42040909 Kjempegravane 132 61 61 100.0 (75.0, 100.0] 75-100%
18 Kristiansand 42040910 Tobienborg 302 148 148 100.0 (75.0, 100.0] 75-100%
19 Kristiansand 42040911 Nedre Lund 526 187 177 95.0 (75.0, 100.0] 75-100%
20 Kristiansand 42040912 Oddemarka 108 31 31 100.0 (75.0, 100.0] 75-100%
21 Kristiansand 42040913 Flaten 162 80 80 100.0 (75.0, 100.0] 75-100%
22 Kristiansand 42040915 Gimlemoen - Jegersberg 40 1 1 100.0 (75.0, 100.0] 75-100%
23 Kristiansand 42040918 Gimlevang 42 19 19 100.0 (75.0, 100.0] 75-100%
24 Kristiansand 42040919 Gimle 21 2 2 100.0 (75.0, 100.0] 75-100%
25 Kristiansand 42040920 Marviksletta 6 0 0 NaN nan no residential buildings
26 Kristiansand 42040921 Lund Industriområde 9 0 0 NaN nan no residential buildings
27 Kristiansand 42041101 Nedre Kongsgård 390 29 29 100.0 (75.0, 100.0] 75-100%
28 Kristiansand 42041102 Kongsgard 1 - Vige 9 0 0 NaN nan no residential buildings
29 Kristiansand 42041103 Bjørndalsheia 38 12 12 100.0 (75.0, 100.0] 75-100%
30 Kristiansand 42041104 Vestre Bjørndalen 20 2 2 100.0 (75.0, 100.0] 75-100%
[ ]:
import leafmap

# Initialize the map and set the center
m = leafmap.Map()
m.set_center(center.x, center.y, zoom=13)

# Add the base map

# Add the data to the map
    labels=["no residential buildings", "0-25%", "25-50%", "50-75%", "75-100%"],
    style_kwds=dict(color="gray", LineWidth=10, weight=0.99),
        "stroke": True,
        "color": "gray",
        "weight": .5,
        "opacity": .5,
        "fill": True,
        "fillOpacity": 0.5,

# Display the map
[ ]:
color_map =  {
        "no residential buildings": (0, 136, 55),
        "0-25%": (0, 136, 55),
        "25-50%": (127, 195, 28),
        "50-75%": (127, 195, 28),
        "75-100%": (127, 195, 28),

leafmap.view_vector(gdf_mapping_gs, color_column='labels', color_map=color_map, opacity=0.5)
#leafmap.Legend(title="Wetland Type", legend_dict=color_map)