Training model on SIGMA2

4 - Pushing the image to the Gitlab repository

On SIGMA2 we cannot use our docker image immediately as it has been created on our local computer. As explained here SIGMA2 uses singularity which is another software for handling images.

First we need to push our docker image to GitLab (we use Gitlab instead of GitHub as it is easier to handle docker images on Gitlab). This has to be done in 3 steps:

  • First, be sure you are logged in the Gitlab registry:
docker login
  • Then we need to rename the docker image with regard to the Gitlab repository where it will be stored. For instance, the image we build case_study_1:latest will be stored in, thus we need to rename the image as
docker tag case_study_1:latest
  • Then we can push the image to the Gitlab repository:
docker push

5 - Training the model on SIGMA2

We first need to pull the image we stored on the Gitlab repository in our folder in SIGMA2. singularity uses .sif file so when we pull the image we need to relabel the image as a .sif file:

singularity pull --name case_study_1.sif docker://

Now that case_study_1.sif has been created in our folder we can train the model on SIGMA2 using the script case_study_1/hpc_scripts/ The script contains a few lines worth noticing:

  • First the shebang, to tell the interpreter that this is a bash script
  • The SIGMA2 specific lines. Here we tell the HPC server that for running our script we need 1 GPU for a maximum of 24 hours. We also ask for a CPU with 4GB of memory.
#SBATCH --account=nn5019k --job-name=cat_dog_model
#SBATCH --partition=accel --gpus=1
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4G
  • We change our current directory to the directory where our scripts are located
cd $HOME/ml-sats/case_study_1
  • Since we have 24 hours of GPU we run our script with three different learning rates. In this specific case the script will be ran 3 times in a consecutive fashion: once the script using the learning rate of 0.01 is finished, the script will be ran with a learning rate of 0.001. We will learn about parallelizing on SIGMA2 in case_study_2.
for LR in 0.01 0.001 0.0001
  • Finally we set up the docker container for running the script and specify all the relevant parameters. With singularity, by default only the working directory is exposed (in our case $HOME/ml-sats) so we need manually expose the folder where the the data is stored and where we want the model to be stored with the command --bind. Then with python we ask the docker container to use python to run the script The option -u is useful to display the printed text in the .out file.
singularity exec --bind /cluster/projects/nn5019k:/Data \
    --nv case_study_1.sif \
    python -u main_scripts/ \
                --data_path /Data/kaggle_cats_dogs/train \
                --save_path /Data/saved_models/ \
                --save_es /Data/saved_models/ \
                --batch_size 128 \
                --lr $LR \
                --num_epoch 100
  • Now we can start the model training by submitting our script as a job with the command:

6 (optional) - Importing the trained model locally

If we want to use our trained model on our own computer we can import the model using the command scp:

scp $HOME/Code/ml-sats/case_study_1