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This function simulates point patterns in space and rasterize them. The idea is to mimic the spatial distribution of point-type infrastructure, such as houses, cabins, or turbines, for instance. The function returns a list with the position of the points and a binary raster with 1 where there are points and NA elsewhere. If created with a raster to define the weights, this base raster is also returned in the output.


  n_features = 1000,
  method = c("mobsim", "regular", "random", "raster", "NLMR")[1],
  centers = 1,
  width = 0.05,
  base_raster = NULL,
  nlmr_function = "nlm_mpd",
  point_coordinates = NULL,
  res = 0.1,
  extent_x = c(0, 1),
  extent_y = c(0, 1),
  buffer_around = 0,
  return_base_raster = TRUE,
  use_terra = TRUE,
  crs = "",



Total number of features to spread in space.


[character(1)]{"mobsim", "regular", "random", "raster", "NLMR"}
Method used to simulate points in space. mobsim uses the function mobsim::sim_thomas_community() from the mobsim package to simulate points. raster uses a base raster map as input to define weights and simulate the random points. NLMR creates a neutral landscape model using NLMR package and uses it as an input base raster. See Details for more information.


Number of centers around which the features will be placed. Used only if method = "mobsim".


Mean distance between each of the features in a cluster and the center of the cluster. Used only if method = "mobsim".


Base raster to define weights for creating the random points. Used only if method = "raster".


Name of the function from NLMR package used to create the base raster, to be used to define weights for creating the random points. Used only if method = "NLMR".


data.frame with (x,y) columns with coordinates already taken from elsewhere. This option is intended for when the points' coordinates were already generated or taken from a real landscape. In this case, no points are simulated and they are just rasterized (so that distances or other derived variables might be calculated).


Resolution of the output raster.

extent_x, entent_y

[numeric vector(2)=c(0,1)]
Vector representing the minimum and maximum extent in x and y within which the points should be placed, in the format c(min,max).


Size of the buffer around the extent of the landscape, to avoid edge effects when calculating densities using neighborhood analysis.


Whether the base_raster should be returned in the output list. This is NULL for method = "mobsim".


If TRUE (default), the rast element created from the points is a SpatRaster object from terra package is created. If FALSE, it is a RasterLayer from raster package is created.


Specification for the coordinate reference system of the rast object created from the points. Default is "+proj=utm +zone=1 +datum=WGS84".


Other arguments passed as input to the NLMR functions, defined by the nlmr_function argument.


A list with three elements: (1) pts, the coordinates (x,y) of the simulated points; (2) rast, a binary raster containing the landscape, with 1 where there points and NA elsewhere; (3) base_rast, the base raster used to weigh the simulation of points. If method = "mobsim"

or "regular" or "random", base_rast is NULL.


If method = "mobsim", the function builds upon the function mobsim::sim_thomas_community() from the mobsim package. Originally the function is intended to simulate positions of multiple species in the context of species abundance distribution studies, but it fits well in case of a single species (or point patterns for a single type of feature). In this case, the points are simulated based on the number of centers/patches of points and their width.

If method = "raster", the function uses an input raster (defined by the argument base_raster) to define the probabilities of setting a given point in a certain pixel in space.

If method = "NLMR", the function also uses a raster to define the probabilities of setting a given point in a certain pixel in space, but this raster is created with a function from the NLMR package. The function name is defined by the argument nlmr_function and its arguments must be defined as additional parameters to set_points().

TO IMPROVE: implement rasterization with terra package


# using mobsim
#> Attaching package: ‘mobsim’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:oneimpact’:
#>     dist_decay


# gradient distribution
ext <- 30000
wd <- ext/5
pts <- set_points(n_features = 1000, centers = 1,
                  width = wd, res = 100,
                  extent_x = c(0, ext), extent_y = c(0, ext))

plot(pts$rast, col = "black")

# one focus of features, with buffer around
wd <- ext/20
pts <- set_points(n_features = 1000, centers = 1,
                  width = wd, res = 100,
                  extent_x = c(0, ext), extent_y = c(0, ext),
                  buffer_around = 10000)

plot(pts$rast, col = "black")

# using base raster

# raster
r <- raster::raster(matrix(runif(12),3,4)) |>
  raster::disaggregate(fact = 10)

# points from raster
pts <- set_points(n_features = 100, method = "raster",
                  base_raster = r)


plot(pts$rast, col = "black")

# using NLMR

# example NLM
ext <- 300
nlm1 <- NLMR::nlm_mpd(ext, ext, 100, roughness = .5)
#> Warning: nlm_mpd changes the dimensions of the RasterLayer if even ncols/nrows are choosen.
nlm1[] <- scales::rescale(exp(nlm1[]))


# points
pts <- set_points(n_features = 1000, method = "raster",
                  base_raster = nlm1)



plot(pts$rast, col = "black")

# OR we can do it directly

# points
ext <- 30000
pts <- set_points(n_features = 1000, method = "NLMR",
                  nlmr_function = "nlm_mpd",
                  roughness = .2,
                  res = 100,
                  extent_x = c(0, ext), extent_y = c(0, ext))
#> Warning: nlm_mpd changes the dimensions of the RasterLayer if even ncols/nrows are choosen.



plot(pts$rast, col = "black")

# using random or regular

ext <- 30000
pts <- set_points(n_features = 1000, method = "random",
                  res = 100,
                  extent_x = c(0, ext), extent_y = c(0, ext))

plot(pts$rast, col = "black")

pts <- set_points(n_features = 1000, method = "regular",
                  res = 100,
                  extent_x = c(0, ext), extent_y = c(0, ext))

plot(pts$rast, col = "black")

# using point coordinates as input
pt_input <- data.frame(x = c(0.5, 0.7), y = c(0.5, 0.3))
pts <- set_points(point_coordinates = pt_input)

plot(pts$rast, col = "black")