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Computation of variable importance from a bag of models. Variable importance can be computed either by dropping variables or through permutation of the variables values (parameter type), typically by evaluating the effects on the model evaluation metric in the validation set(s). If type = "drop", each variable is dropped from the model at a time and the variation in model evaluation metric is computed. If type = "permutation", The observations of each variable are permutated and the variation in model evaluation metric is computed.


  samples = NULL,
  type = c("drop", "permutation")[1],
  colH0 = NULL,
  variable_block = NULL,
  n_permutations = 100,
  order = c("desc", "asc", FALSE)[1],
  metric = NULL,
  plot = FALSE,
  ss = 1,
  remove_threshold = 0



Bag of models, result of bag_models(). It contains multiple information from the models, such as formula, weights, coefficients, and metric used to evaluate the models.


Complete data set to which the models were applied.


List of samples used to fit the models in the bag. The list contains at least three elements: train, test, and validate. Each elements might have several elements, each representing the lines of data to be sampled for each resample. Typically, this is computed by the function create_resamples().


[character(1)="drop"]{"drop", "permutation"}
Type of computation for variable importance. If type = "drop" (default), each variable is dropped from the model at a time and the variation in model evaluation metric is computed. If type = "permutation", the observations of each variable are permutated and the variation in the model evaluation metric is computed.


String with the name of the column in data representing the blockH0, in case we want the variable importance to be evaluated for each block. Default is NULL, in case variable importance is assessed for all the data.


Number of permutations, if type = "permutation".


[character,logical(1)="desc"]{"desc", "asc", FALSE}
Whether or not to order the output variables according to descending (order = "desc") or ascending order of variable importance (order = "asc"). If FALSE, the variables are shown in the same order as present in the bag of models, x.


Should variable importance be plotted? Default is FALSE.


Threshold for excluding variable with little importance in the variable importance plot (i.e. only considered if plot = TRUE). See more in plot_importance().

See also

For plotting variable importance, see plot_importance().