Install QGIS

Official QGIS installation guide:

Short guide on how to install QGIS on Windows and Linux. If you need to install older version of QGIS (e.g. 2.18), we recommend using the Nix package manager on Linux.

Windows QGIS Installation

Install QGIS on Windows using NINA’s Firmaportal or by downloading the installer from the QGIS website or using the OSGeo4W installer.

Linux QGIS Installation

Nix Installation

Nix is a package manager that allows you to install software without admin rights. You can install software in a temporary environment or in your personal profile.


  1. Install Portable Nix-Shell

    wget -O nix-shell

  2. Add permissions to Nix-Shell

    chmod +x nix-shell

  3. Start Nix-Shell and Install Software

    ./nix-shell -p <software-name>

  4. Start the default Nix-Shell


    Note: You can define which software is installed in the default nix-shell in the default.nix file.

    # example default.nix
    { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
    pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
    name = "python-environment";
    buildInputs = with pkgs; [
    shellHook = ''
        echo "Default Portable nix-shell with latest QGIS:"
Software Command
Latest QGIS ./nix-shell -p qgis-ltr
QGIS 2.18 ./nix-shell -p qgis -I nixpkgs=
QGIS 3.22.16 ./nix-shell -p qgis-ltr -I nixpkgs=

Ubuntu Installation

Install directly from ubuntu’s package repo on to your system. Note that you need admin rights to install software using sudo commands.



Command Description
sudo apt update update all package list
sudo apt install <software-name> install software
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa add gis repo (not standard installed)
sudo apt list -a qgis list available versions
sudo apt install qgis=version-number install specific version